The country of olives, antiquities and ancient gods has not been visited, it seems, only the lazy. Well, really, isn't it interesting to test Greece on its own for the abundance traditionally attributed to it? You can make sure how right the tour operators praising the homeland of the Olympic Games are by buying an air ticket for one of the regular flights operated by both Russian and Greek airlines. Charters, which fly in large numbers in the summer season, can please with low prices and a variety of flight and connection options.
Entry formalities
Citizens of Russia need a visa to visit Greece, but obtaining it will not require large expenses and overcoming special difficulties. Standard "Schengen" requirements apply to Greek diplomacy, but those who are going to go to Greece on their own will have to pay at least a third of the cost of the hotel reservation for the period of stay. Failure to comply with this point threatens to refuse a visa. The Greeks also react unfavorably to the mark in the passport about visiting Northern Cyprus.
Without a Schengen visa, you can still get to Greece by arriving on the islands in the summer and by ferry from Turkey.
Euro and spending
Going to Greece on your own, you will have to stock up on euros. It is this currency that is official in the country. Credit cards are accepted everywhere, but only in hotels and large shopping centers, and therefore it is worth having cash with you, which can be easily replenished at any ATM.
Despite its reputation as the cheapest country in the Eurozone, Greece can unpleasantly surprise with not too cheap prices:
- A full dinner in a restaurant for two will easily cost you 50 euros, but a quick snack in a street cafe can be arranged for just ten. By the way, the portions in Greece are very substantial, so if you wish, you can do one for two with a child, for example.
- A 1.5-liter bottle of still water in a Greek supermarket will cost 1.5 euros, and a bottle of beer - up to five euros.
- The cost of one trip in the Athens metro is 1.20 euros, but the ticket is valid for 70 minutes. It is much more profitable to buy a pass for a day for 4 euros and ride without restrictions.
- The cost of a trip from the airport to the center of Athens will be about 5 euros on a regular bus and twice as much on an express bus.
- The price of a single ticket to visit the Acropolis and other attractions in the center of the capital is 15 euros (all prices are valid for August 2015).