Contemporary British cuisine is renowned for its variety of dishes, which have elements of international culinary traditions.
National cuisine of Great Britain
Some national dishes are often served with various sauces - apple, horseradish, mint, red currant and others. Since each region has its own unique dishes, it is advisable to try English steak and Yorkshire pie in England, in Scotland - oatmeal with meat and spices or veal tripe with giblets, in Wales - lamb with mint sauce, in Northern Ireland - trout dishes …
In this regard, we should talk separately about these cuisines: fish (herring, salmon, cod), meat (lamb, chicken, beef, pork) and vegetable (mostly baked) dishes are common in English cuisine; in Scottish cuisine - a variety of soups, cereals and meat dishes; in Irish cuisine - seafood, bread (fruit, soda, potato), red algae.
Popular British dishes:
- "Lancashire stew" (a dish based on potatoes, meat, onions, which is cooked in a pot);
- “Fish and chips” (deep-fried fish and potato dish, served with sauce and lemon);
- “Haggis” (a dish with giblets, minced lamb and spices in a lamb stomach);
- “Simnel” (pie with almond fruit and pasta).
Where to taste the national cuisine?
Since, according to established traditions in the UK, breakfast falls at 07: 00-08: 00, lunch - at 13:00, light lunch - at 17:00, and dinner - at 19:00, local cafes adhere to the same meal schedule. and restaurants.
In London, you can visit “Dinner by Heston Blumenthal” (the restaurant serves English cuisine from different times (try veal tail with saffron, scallops with cucumber sauce) and signature delicacies; and since the institution is very popular, it is better to book a table a month in advance), in Brighton - “The Coal Shed” (specializing in English cuisine, mainly meat and fish; if you wish, you can visit the “Wine Club” event, held several times a month), in Edinburgh - “Valvona & Crolla” (specialization of the institution - Scottish cuisine with a large selection of homemade pastries and wines), in Glasgow - “Black Sheep Bistro” (here visitors are treated to the legendary “haggis” and “Sunday roast lamb”).
Cooking courses in the UK
Those who wish are offered to enroll in courses at the culinary school of England (Oxford) "Quat 'Saisons": classes are designed for 1-4 days (the number of people in a group does not exceed 6), and its main topics are the following - "Valentine's Day Dinner", “Vegetarian lunch”, “Learning to cook in 1 day”.
A trip to the UK can be timed to coincide with the Coffee Festivals (Spring, London), Oysters (July, Whitstable, Kent), Cheese and Wine (October, London) or the Restaurant Festival (October, London), in honor of which gastronomic excursions are held in London double-decker bus.