Cambodian traditions

Cambodian traditions
Cambodian traditions
photo: Cambodian traditions
photo: Cambodian traditions

This state in Southeast Asia is located only one and a half thousand kilometers north of the equator, and therefore the hot and humid climate determines many local traditions and customs. Rice cultivation is the main occupation of local peasants, and the systems of artificial irrigation of fields, invented in ancient times, allow local residents to harvest up to four crops a year. The traditions of Cambodia are largely associated with the professed religion and worship of the sacred Mekong River, and their invariability over the centuries testifies to the main trait in the character of the Khmers - solidity and constancy.

About spiritual blessings

The countries surrounding Cambodia constantly made attempts not only to conquer its lands, but also to change the character of the Khmers. Thais and Vietnamese imposed their own traditions and customs, but their venture was never crowned with success. The Khmers managed to preserve both Polynesian facial features and their own worldview. They do not pursue material goods, preferring to constantly collect spiritual values. Belief in a better life to come dictates to them the ability to be content with little in this life.

Khmer matriarchy

All other countries of Southeast Asia can envy the traditions of Cambodia to honor a woman. It is customary here to honor the memory of Queen Liu-Ye, during whose time matriarchy reigned, and therefore any important word has the prefix "me", meaning "mother". When listing his own relatives, the Khmer will start by mentioning his grandmother and other older women.

Families, according to the Cambodian tradition, should be large, and having five children for local residents is a common thing. In rural areas, even a small plot of land is able to feed such a family, and for this it is not at all necessary to bend your back for days to get a harvest of rice. The favorable climate makes it for the Cambodian.

Useful little things

  • Once in the tourist area of Cambodia, it is important to enlist the support of a local resident - rickshaw, waiter, taxi driver. Leaving a small tip, you can always count on useful advice and support from such a person. He will help you find transport to the desired attraction and even conduct an excursion taking into account local realities and peculiarities.
  • The traditions of Cambodia in the preparation of national dishes are very exotic. Before trying something, ask about the degree of spiciness of the dish and the products from which it is prepared. Often the mere mention of the ingredients can cause indigestion in a sensitive European.
