Tours to Thessaloniki

Tours to Thessaloniki
Tours to Thessaloniki
photo: Tours in Thessaloniki
photo: Tours in Thessaloniki

The second largest city in the land of ancient Hellas and one of the tourist capitals in the Balkans, Thessaloniki is also a major seaport. There are always many tourists here who prefer to enjoy the Mediterranean and all the related pleasures associated with this region. And also tours to Thessaloniki are an acquaintance with the history of Greece and its great natives. It was in Thessaloniki that the creators of Slavic writing, Cyril and Methodius, were born, and UNESCO took several architectural monuments of world importance here under its protection.

History with geography

All the cities that are or were once in Greece, as a rule, are associated with history and ancient culture. Thessaloniki is no exception, if only because he founded them in 315 BC. King of Macedonia Kassander. Having named the city after his wife Thessalonica, he united several small settlements on the shores of the gulf within its boundaries. As usual, the Romans could not pass by such luck and captured Thessaloniki only one and a half hundred years after its foundation.

Over the next centuries, many peoples and armies undertook campaigns against the peaceful city. Arabs and Goths, Slavs and Saracens, Bulgarians and Sicilian Normans were noted here, and then the Ottomans completely made it their fiefdom, in which, as a result, even the father of the Turkish people, Ataturk, was born. The Greeks conquered Thessaloniki only at the beginning of the twentieth century, and today more than a million people live here and in the suburbs.

Briefly about the important

  • The climate in this part of Greece is Mediterranean, but with elements of semi-desert and continental. That is why in summer the heat can reach +40 degrees, and in winter thermometers often drop to +5. The water warms up for comfortable swimming by the end of May, and at this time tours to Thessaloniki are becoming the choice of thousands of travelers from all over Europe. By the end of October, the heat subsides and the swimming season ends in the last days of autumn.
  • You can get to the resort from Moscow by direct flight or with a connection in one of the European capitals. The direct flight time for the participants of tours to Thessaloniki from the capital of Russia is 3.5 hours.
  • The hotel fund at the resort is represented by hotels from famous world lines and family pensions. The concept of stardom among the Greeks is somewhat different, and therefore it is worth focusing not on the status, but on the reviews of other tourists. In any case, hospitality and cordiality are guaranteed to guests, regardless of the price of the room per night.
