Tyumen is called the first Russian city in Siberia, which dates back to the distant times of the Chingi-Tur khanate in the 13th century. The city's coat of arms depicts a beaver and a fox supporting a heraldic azure shield topped with a golden crown, and there are many versions of the origin of its name. The modern Siberian city is interesting for its cultural sites of federal significance and thermal springs, and therefore tours to Tyumen are gaining popularity among fans of trips to their native land.
The city of real winter
The climate in the first Russian Siberian city is close to sharply continental. It is characterized by frosty winters and hot southern summers. At the height of January, the air temperature can reach -40, but the air is dry, and therefore frost is tolerated quite easily. Summer heat comes already in May, when the air warms up to a stable +20 in the afternoon. By July, the real southern heat sets in and the temperature can reach +35 degrees.
Thermal springs of Siberia
A visit to the local thermal springs becomes a real miracle for the participants of winter tours to Tyumen. They are located a few kilometers from the city and their water has a beneficial effect on the human body. You can take natural baths even in January frosts, because the water temperature in natural baths does not drop below +36 degrees.
In the Tyumen region there are several places where balneological resorts of local importance are located. Equipment, prices for visiting and conditions of stay in them may differ, but tours to Tyumen "on the water" are still much cheaper than trips to Karlovy Vary or Baden-Baden.
Briefly about the important
- Direct flights from the capital and other cities of Russia are received by the international airport "Roshchino". Travel time from Moscow is about three hours. Trains leave from Yaroslavsky, Kursky and Kazansky railway stations in the capital, and arrive in Tyumen in about 30 hours.
- The easiest way to get around the city is by minibuses or taxis, and you can get to the hot springs by commuter buses.
- One of the main architectural sights, which is recommended to visit the participants of the tour to Tyumen, is the Ascension-Georgievskaya Church of the 17th century, built at the expense of parishioners.