The only river flowing from Lake Baikal is the majestic and full-flowing Angara. Its length is more than one and a half thousand kilometers. The Angara flows through the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Irkutsk Region, and its maximum width in the area of the lake is more than a kilometer. For fans of excursions around their native land, the best way to get acquainted with the great Siberian river is the Angara cruise, which can be taken from the city of Irkutsk.
Power plant cascade
Angara is famous for a cascade of hydroelectric power plants built here in the middle of the 20th century. This energy network includes the Bratsk, Irkutsk and Ust-Ilimsk HPPs, the construction of each of which has significantly reduced the risk of navigation on the Angara. Previously, because of the stormy rapids, ships could not pass freely along the river.
Bridges and Ferries
The first pontoon bridge across the Angara was opened at the end of the 19th century during the passage of Tsarevich Nicholas through Irkutsk. After almost half a century of operation, the crossing was replaced by a permanent bridge connecting the center of Irkutsk with its left-bank regions.
In addition to the bridge named Glazkovsky, you can use the Innokentyevsky, Akademichesky and Boguchansky bridges to cross the Angara.
Outside the ship
Navigation in Irkutsk usually opens not earlier than mid-May, but in warm weather, the first motor ships can go on cruises along the Angara River as early as May holidays. During the trip, tourists visit a whole constellation of amazing Siberian cities:
- Angarsk, which in 2003 won the second place in the competition for the most comfortable city in Russia. In Angarsk, expositions of local museums of clocks and minerals are of undoubted interest, and among the main architectural attractions is the Holy Trinity Cathedral.
- Bratsk, located on the banks of the same name and Ust-Ilimsk reservoirs. A unique architectural and ethnographic museum "Angarsk Village" has been opened in the city. The settlement of the indigenous inhabitants of these places has been recreated in the open air.
- Svirsk, which was first mentioned in 1735. Then a settlement was founded here, and later Idinsky prison. The well-maintained embankment of Svirsk is a favorite resting place for its residents and guests of the city.
- An even more ancient city is Usolye-Sibirskoye, founded in 1669 by the Yenisei Cossacks. Having discovered a source of salt in these places, the Mikhalev brothers built a salt brewhouse. Participants of the Angara cruise will be able to see what the city looks like today.