Holidays in Poland are a huge number of significant events, and most of these days are not weekends, but, nevertheless, Poles love them no less (the days of the Mother, Child, Grandmother, Grandfather, Andrzejki are popularly loved holidays).
Major holidays in Poland
- New Years (January 1): It is customary to celebrate this holiday with family and friends, drinking champagne at midnight and launching fireworks into the sky.
- Feast of the Three Kings (January 6): in his honor, residents go to the streets of cities to sing carols, take part in festivities and theatrical performances. In addition, on January 6, many go to Warsaw to participate in the festive Mass on the Castle Square.
- Independence Day of Poland (November 11): in honor of the holiday, flags are raised in Polish cities, the president and famous politicians speak to the residents, a military parade is held in the center of Warsaw, and everyone takes part in festivities and celebrations.
- Easter: it is celebrated for two days - on the first day (Sunday) it is customary to gather at the festive table, which should include lit cakes, eggs, sausage, meat (you need to read a prayer before the meal), and on the second (Monday), pour water over not only acquaintances, but also just casual passers-by (this ritual is a wish to each other good luck and health). For this, the Poles are armed with water "bombs", bags filled with water, water pistols. On this day, it is not customary to sit at home, hiding from the "water madness", because staying dry is considered a bad omen.
Event tourism in Poland
For fans of event tourism, Poland has prepared many pleasant surprises: in May Jazz Festivals and the Polish Festival of Short Films are held here, in September - the Warsaw Autumn Music Festival, in August - the Music in Old Krakow Festival, in June-July - the Mozart Festival …
So, if you wish, a travel agency can organize a tour to Poland for you, timed your trip to such an event as the Laikonik Festival. You will be able to watch how a rider in colorful clothes travels around Krakow on a wooden horse, accompanied by people dressed in national costumes, standard-bearers and musicians. The final stage of the procession is a dance performed by the rider to loud music on the Market Square.
And going to Wroclaw, you will be able to visit the Jazz Festival - here you can see performances by the stars of European and world jazz. It should be noted that soloists, groups and even choirs take part in the ongoing competition.
The Polish festive calendar contains many events, having come to which, you can feel the true spirit of the country, becoming closer to the people living here.