US culture

US culture
US culture
photo: US culture
photo: US culture

American cultural traditions have evolved over the centuries. The main influence on the culture of the United States was made by settlers who arrived from the 17th century on the North American continent from England, Holland, Italy and Ireland. African peoples, whose representatives ended up in America as slaves, and the indigenous Indian population also contributed to the formation of many traditions in the cultural and social life of the United States.

Religion and secular holidays

Religion has a huge impact on the social and social life of the average American. The states are among the developed countries where the church is strongest. Today, its role is taking on somewhat different forms, and hobby clubs and sports clubs are being created at churches in cities. Modern life dictates new rules, but the church still consolidates people and remains a reliable nucleus that unites society.

In the culture of the United States, holidays are of great importance, most of which have old traditions. Americans celebrate Thanksgiving as an appreciation for material wealth and is essentially analogous to harvest days in other countries. Christmas traditions are no less strong in the country. The most grandiose sales in American stores are timed to coincide with Christmas, and residents of the country strive to decorate their homes and yards with the brightest and most beautiful wreaths, garlands, toys and animal figurines.

Literature as a mirror of society

An integral part of American culture is its literature. Having begun to form in the 17th-18th centuries with diaries and religious treatises, US literature was continued with patriotic poems during the Civil War.

The era of the Revolutionary War gave the world Irving and Cooper, whose novels are read by today's fans of American romanticism. By the way, Edgar Allan Poe, who created his novels full of drama and horror in the nineteenth century, is reasonably considered the founder of the popular detective genre in literature. Howard Lovecraft and Stephen King became worthy successors of his work.

Musical contribution

The music of the United States has played a great role in the development of modern musical culture. Jazz and soul, blues and rock - these directions were born and grew largely thanks to American musicians. The traditions of musical culture were created under the influence of the national characteristics of the Negro population and immigrants from Latin America, and therefore the musical culture of the United States is an undoubtedly successful symbiosis of several, at first glance, incompatible trends and trends.
