This Italian city is quite worthy of a longer acquaintance, but a short walk through it will be enough to make a vivid impression of its streets and squares. Verona can give a lot of pleasant emotions in 1 day, and it is best to start your journey from the main city square.
Piazza Bra and her legacy
Piazza Bra is home to several architectural masterpieces, the oldest of which may well rival the Roman Colosseum. Arena di Verona is an antique amphitheater that appeared in the city at the very beginning of a new era. It is perfectly preserved and is included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List, and thanks to the special acoustic characteristics of the building, concerts and performances of a planetary scale are still held on its arena.
In the center of the square there is a square, decorated with monuments to Victor Emmanuel, who united Italy, and to the Italian partisans who fell during the Second World War. The facades of the buildings on Piazza Bra are the 17th century Grand Guargia Palace and the Barbieri Palace, erected by local standards "quite recently", in the 19th century.
From antiquity to the middle ages
From the buildings of the times of Ancient Rome in Verona, the Arch of Gavi has also been successfully preserved. It dates back to the 1st century, and the authorship is attributed to the architect Tserdon. The arch was erected in honor of the most noble family of those years, the Gavia, and the pavement under it is the preserved remnant of the ancient Roman basalt road.
Built as a military defensive outpost in the 1st century, Porta Bosari is not so well preserved. Today in Verona you can see only the facade of the building, which served as a barracks for the Roman garrison, stationed here.
Another ancient theater, whose construction dates back to the end of the 1st century, is located on the slope of the Verona hill on the banks of the Adige River. It was flooded more than once during floods, and later medieval builders completely covered it with earth and used it as a foundation for their buildings.
For romantics, Verona in 1 day is also Juliet's balcony, which every couple in love strives to visit. Juliet's house was built in the 13th century, and its central balcony, according to local legends, served as a meeting place for young Montagues and Capulet. After the release of a film based on Shakespeare's play in 1936, the house was restored and a museum was set up in it, and excursions for tourists began to be arranged under the balcony. Of course, no Juliet has ever lived in it, but neither the guides nor their grateful listeners prefer to notice this fact.