Venice in 1 day

Venice in 1 day
Venice in 1 day
photo: Venice in 1 day
photo: Venice in 1 day

The most romantic city in Italy, the venue for the carnival, the site for the most prestigious film festival, the place for romantic weddings - all these epithets do not reflect even a fraction of the charm and charm of the capital of the Veneto region. Without a doubt, Venice in 1 day is not enough, unfair and sad, but even a few hours in a city that is rapidly sinking under water every minute cost many days without it.

Each house is on the list

Venice is so unique and incomparable that even the authoritative UNESCO organization could not single out more or less valuable corners, houses or squares in it. The entire island part, together with the Venetian Lagoon, is classified as a World Heritage of Humanity.

The heart of old Venice is its main square. It bears the name of St. Mark and it contains the most important and priceless treasures - architectural monuments, seeing which you can already make an impression of Venice in one day. The main street of the city, the Grand Canal, leads to Piazza San Marco. The dominant feature of the square is the Venice Cathedral and its bell tower. The relics of the Apostle Mark are kept here, and the luxury of the interior decoration of the cathedral makes you spend long hours in it, looking at magnificent mosaics, frescoes and sculptural compositions.

Who were the doji?

The majestic building on the right side of the square is the Palace of the Doges, who were once the elected heads of the Venetian Republic. The palace was the residence of the rulers, and today it is one of the best museums in Venice. The massive upper part of the palace rests easily on graceful arches, giving the structure an unimaginable delicacy and freshness. The inner courtyard of the palace, where lush bronze wells are located, deserves special attention. In the old days, they drew water from them, which traders carried throughout the city. The courtyard and the palace are connected by a marble staircase of excellent work. It is called the Ladder of the Giants, and it took several tons of the famous Carranian marble to create it.

The Doge's Palace is connected to the adjacent building by an elegant curved Bridge of Sighs that spans the Palace Canal. The romantic name does not meet expectations too much: on the bridge, convicts sighed in the courtrooms located in the palace. The unfortunate people were led across the bridge to a prison located on a nearby street.

It is best to complete your acquaintance with Venice in 1 day in one of the cafes on St. Mark's Square. The prices here cannot be called humane, but a cup of coffee with a view of the Grand Canal costs several euros, especially since it is unusually tasty and aromatic here.
