For many tourists, this island has become such a native place that they do not even imagine in what other resort it is still possible to relax like this. With the onset of warm days, more and more tourists understand that a vacation in Cyprus in May will give strength and vigor for the next twelve months.
Climatic conditions
With May, summer comes to Cyprus, of course, some days can be remembered for the coolness and winds, but in general the weather pleases with the sun and warmth. The temperature on the coast rises to + 26C °, closer to the center of the island it is even hotter, up to + 30C °. The water temperature is quite sufficient for swimming.
Cyprus May Day
The island also has its own traditions in celebrating the first day of the last spring month. Conventionally, the events are divided into serious and funny, in the second part various concerts are held, and the participants weave wreaths of field herbs with the addition of garlic, which, as you know, perfectly resists evil forces.
Flower festival
One of the largest events takes place in early May and attracts tourists from all over the island, especially those who are not indifferent to the beauty of fields, meadows, and, in general, flowering plants.
Local residents themselves take an active part in the festival "Anfestiria", the name of which is easily translated - a flower. The celebrations are dedicated to spring and the flowering of nature, and the main characters are, of course, flowers that play a big role in human life.
The program includes an exhibition of unusual panels, each of which is composed of flowers, and these are not just beautiful patterns, but images of traditional secular and religious holidays. The exhibition takes place in the church of Ayia Kyriaki and is accompanied by daily concerts.
Bay of Aphrodite
In addition to participating in various concerts and festivals, many tourists arriving in Cyprus have one cherished dream - to visit the city of Paphos. But not at all because UNESCO took it under its wing. Not far from Paphos is the famous bay of Aphrodite, where this goddess of love was born from the foam of the sea, who is still worshiped by women all over the world.
Cypriot cuisine
Cyprus keeps many legends, secrets and secrets. Some of them are of divine origin, like the secret of the birth of Aphrodite. Other secrets have a completely earthy explanation, for example, the popular Cypriot dish kleftiko, which means “stolen meat”. Earlier, shepherds, who were engaged in such an unseemly business as stealing goats, came up with a way to prepare the dish so as not to be caught. They put meat in the dug hole, made a fire on top. Today, the cooking technology has changed somewhat, but the funny name is traditionally preserved.