Red sea

Red sea
Red sea
photo: Red Sea
photo: Red Sea

The Red Sea is a large bay that stretches across the Indian Ocean. It is also called the Arabian Gulf. This sea is connected to the Indian Ocean by the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. Its waters are connected to the Mediterranean Sea via the Suez Canal.

Due to the unusual shade of the soil in the coastal zone, the sea began to be designated as Red. Some experts claim that the sea was named "Red" because of the color of the water, which is caused by small algae and zoophytes.

In addition to its unusual shade, the sea is distinguished by high salinity. It is the saltiest sea in the world of those that are included in the oceans.

Physical and geographical features

Red Sea Map
Red Sea Map

Red Sea Map

The Red Sea has mostly low shores. In the north, it is adjacent to the desert zone, in the south - to the mountainous terrain. Coral reefs are scattered along the coastal zone. They stretch for a considerable distance from the coast and are a characteristic feature of the area.

The map of the Red Sea is, first of all, the resorts located on its shores. They are found on the mainland and on the Arabian Peninsula (Sinai). The Red Sea washes the shores of the following countries: Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Israel and Jordan.

Almost all areas of the sea are in the tropics. Its total area is approximately 450 thousand square meters. km, and the volume of water - 251 thousand km³.

There are almost no islands in the north of the Red Sea. There are several groups of islands south of 17 degrees north latitude. Eilat and Suez gulfs are located in the northern part of the sea.

Rivers do not flow into this sea at all, which is considered an interesting feature of it. Therefore, the sea water is crystal clear, because the rivers carry silt and sand with them. The water can be seen 50 m deep.

Significance of the Red Sea

After the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, the sea gained worldwide importance. The main transit road from Europe to Asian ports ran through its water area. The channel provided the maximum passenger and cargo traffic between the ports of Europe and the most remote corners of Asia.

The Red Sea coast is famous for its first-class resorts, such as: Hurghada, Sharm el-Sheikh, Marsa Alam, Eilat, Aqaba. The main advantage of the sea is its amazing and diverse underwater world. Even near the coast, you can see rare tropical fish and coral reefs. In terms of the variety and quality of marine fauna and flora, the Red Sea is unmatched in the Northern Hemisphere. This is associated with the high worldwide popularity of the tourist areas of the coast.

In summer, the average water temperature is +26 degrees, in winter it is kept at +20 degrees. Sea water is similar in composition to mineral water due to its high salt concentration (up to 42%). Therefore, bathing is good for human health.

Weather forecast for the Red Sea resorts - Hurghada, Sharm el-Sheikh, Eilat, Aqaba.

Dangers of the Red Sea


Sharks of different species live in the water: white, reef, leopard and others. There are especially many of them in the coastal waters of Sudan.

Meetings of people with poisonous fish, which are quite numerous in the Red Sea, are undesirable. The colorful fins of some tropical fish can be poisonous.
