Local resorts have long earned their portion of fame from Russian tourists. Choosing a vacation in Greece in June, a visitor enjoys additional discounts and bonuses, because the high season is still ahead. At this time of the year, you can already swim and sunbathe, visit local attractions and view them in detail, at close range, without the usual tourist hustle and bustle.
June weather
For relaxation, you can choose the coast of Greece or the island. The air temperature here and there is quite comfortable, up to + 30C °, the sea temperature - + 22C °. The humidity is low, and therefore even 30-degree heat is easily tolerated.
Beach vacation
The swimming season starts here in April-May, and in June everyone, even small children, swims. Sea water is striking in its transparency, allowing you to see even the smallest pebbles on the bottom. The underwater kingdom is rich in representatives of marine life, so at the resorts you can find equipment and instructors who are ready to introduce you to diving.
Folk holidays
Surprisingly, Greece has its own holiday dedicated to the day of the summer solstice. It is called the feast of St. John (close to the Slavic Ivan Kupala). The same traditions well known to tourists from Slavic countries - bonfires that burn all night. According to Greek traditions, flowers are burned on such bonfires to ward off evil spirits.
One of the largest Greek festivals has been held for sixty years in Epidaurus. It lasts almost two months, from the last Friday of June to August. This is a celebration of theatrical art that brings together guests and participants from all over the world. The performances are organized on the stage of the ancient Epidaurus theater. Once it was covered with a thick layer of earth, now the building has been restored and is ready for staging not only ancient Greek tragedies, but also modern plays. The audience is surprised by the acoustics of the theatrical structure. Not only replicas, voices, but also the whispers of the actors are heard in the last rows of the amphitheater, which can accommodate 14 thousand spectators, fans of theater and history.
A similar holiday is held in Athens, and also stretches out almost all summer. This is the so-called Hellenic festival. And ancient theaters preserved on the hills of the Acropolis serve as platforms for theatrical performances.
The International Festival of Classical Music is held at the end of June in the city of Nafplio, on the Peloponnesian Peninsula. Lovers of this art form flock here from all over Greece.