What things and medicines to take with you to the Czech Republic

What things and medicines to take with you to the Czech Republic
What things and medicines to take with you to the Czech Republic
photo: What things and medicines to take with you to the Czech Republic
photo: What things and medicines to take with you to the Czech Republic

Having gathered on a trip to the Czech Republic, many tourists begin to think about what things they will need on the road. In this article we will tell you what to take to the Czech Republic so that the luggage does not cause you any inconvenience.

The first step is to check if important papers are in place. To travel to the Czech Republic, the following documents are required:

  • passport with visa,
  • round trip tickets,
  • insurance policy,
  • if traveling with a child - documents permitting departure with him.

The tourist is advised to immediately make photocopies of all documents. A copy of your passport should always be with you. The original passport must be kept in a safe place. This could be the hotel safe where you are staying. You have no right to demand the passport itself, if you have not violated the law. When checking documents, it will be enough to submit a copy of the passport.

Necessary medicines

The tourist's first-aid kit deserves the closest attention. It should contain the medicines you need. If you have individual diseases, then you must definitely take medicines with you.

What clothes to take to the Czech Republic

The suitcase should be packed according to the season. It is best to wear sporty clothing as it allows freedom of movement. In sports things, it will be convenient for you to travel, take sightseeing walks and engage in active recreation. In winter, there are no severe frosts in the Czech Republic, but sometimes there is high humidity and strong winds. Colds are easy to catch at this time of year. Therefore, you must take warm clothes with you. It is quite warm there in spring and summer. During the summer season, you will need lightweight clothing. In case of rainy or windy weather, bring a raincoat and jacket.

What money to take with you

It is better to exchange currency in advance. Part of the funds must be put aside. On the territory of the country, euro and kroon are accepted for payment. But it is more profitable to pay with a crown. You can exchange currency at exchange offices located in local banks.

Important little things

Things necessary for a tourist's life are not available in every hotel. For example, not everywhere you will be provided with a hairdryer or curling iron. It is better to carry such devices in your suitcase. Choose compact and lightweight models for travel. For excursions and long trips, prepare yourself a bag of nuts, fruit, a bottle of mineral water, dark chocolate and other products for a quick snack. By following these recommendations, you will ensure yourself a comfortable stay in the Czech Republic.
