People visiting China for the first time are surprised that there are problems with buying things that are familiar to us. After all, this country has long been associated with a variety of affordable goods. Therefore, you should take essential items with you. However, it is not necessary to carry too heavy a suitcase. What should a tourist take to China? It is enough to take money, change of clothes and personal hygiene items.
From clothes it is better to give preference to comfortable and simple models. For excursions, you need to choose durable and comfortable shoes without heels. Even during the warmer months, bring a pair of warm clothes in case of bad weather.
What medicines are needed
This question is very relevant for travelers. A personal first aid kit should always be close by. Drugs should include pain relievers, cardiovascular and sunscreens. You also need medicines to eliminate stomach problems and motion sickness remedies. In China, you can be offered traditional medicine. Indigestion is treated there with potions and powders of unknown origin. If you do not want to experiment, then take proven medicines with you. There are pharmacies in the country with a wide range of medicines. But pharmacists do not speak Russian. On rare occasions, they know English. Therefore, you will have to use sign language to explain which medicine you need. Please note that syringes cannot be purchased from Chinese pharmacies. If you need them, take them in your first aid kit. In the south of China, you will not be able to purchase sunscreen. Chinese women do not use such means, since in sunny weather they cover their body and face with umbrellas.
What things to take to China for a child
The kid needs to be given the best toy. For older children, grab some board games to pass the time on the road. Make sure you have a change of clothes and shoes for your baby and baby hygiene products. When traveling with a child, do not forget his birth certificate. If he is traveling accompanied by third parties (without parents), then permission from each parent will be required for the child to travel abroad. It is quite difficult to get dairy products in China. If your toddler is used to eating yogurt, take the packaging with you.
What else is needed in China
Many tourists cannot do without good coffee. In this case, you should put a jar of coffee in your bag. In China, they offer specific coffee with the addition of plant extracts. Each tourist should also take personal hygiene products, which will definitely come in handy during their holidays in the Middle Kingdom.