What things and medicines to take with you to Germany

What things and medicines to take with you to Germany
What things and medicines to take with you to Germany
photo: What things and medicines to take with you to Germany
photo: What things and medicines to take with you to Germany

In order not to regret that you did not take something with you on the trip, carefully pack your suitcase. Each tourist usually has a camera, a phrasebook, small souvenirs for foreigners. What to take to Germany besides these things? You will learn about this from our article.

Navigator and smartphone

If you have planned a trip by car, a GPS navigator will help you. Using this device, you will quickly find your route, save time and minimize your gasoline costs. The navigator will calculate how best to get to the desired point. His disadvantage is that he usually cannot determine the short path, but chooses the long path. For such a case, you will need a road map. It is equally important to have a tablet or smartphone with you. If you are going for a walk, then download a special application that will help you plan a walking route. While in Germany, free Wi-Fi is not always possible to catch. The largest telecommunications company is Telekom. It only provides paid internet. A free one hour session is available at McDonalds as well as Starbucks.

Important phone numbers

Before visiting Germany, do not forget to put the phones of relatives, friends or acquaintances in your travel bag. You will also need the coordinates of the hotels. They may be needed if there is a delay in the flight and you need to spend the night somewhere. First you need to make medical insurance. It is required to apply for a Schengen visa. The minimum coverage is 30 thousand euros. Insurance can be done on the Internet. If you do not speak German, be sure to take a dictionary or phrasebook with you. You can buy them at any bookstore right after your arrival.

What else to take to Germany

The smoker will need cigarettes. It is worth considering that you cannot bring more than one block of cigarettes with you. Cigarettes in Germany are quite expensive, as the country uses tough methods to combat this bad habit. The best way out of the situation is to give up cigarettes during a visit to Germany. When preparing to leave, remember that you must have your documents with you. Otherwise, you will not be able to go through border control. Verification of documents is carried out very carefully.

Clothes and footwear should be selected for the season. Check the weather forecast for your trip in advance. Warm clothes should be taken to Germany in any case, regardless of the weather conditions. In the evening, it is quite cool there due to the conditions of the harsh continental climate.
