What things and medicines to take with you to Europe

What things and medicines to take with you to Europe
What things and medicines to take with you to Europe
photo: What things and medicines to take with you to Europe
photo: What things and medicines to take with you to Europe

Millions of tourists visit Europe every year. It is rich in natural and architectural sights. Travelers are attracted by picturesque mountains (Carpathians, Alps), majestic rivers (Volga, Danube), beautiful lakes (Peipsi, Ladoga, Balaton) and other natural objects. To decide what to take to Europe, you need to take into account the peculiarities of the climate of the country you have chosen to visit. Tourists begin collecting a suitcase or bag a couple of days before departure. This allows you to take a balanced approach to the process of choosing things. If you are planning an intensive trip: 5-10 cities per trip and a maximum of 2 days in each city, then you will have to carry your luggage very often. In this case, you only need to take what you need. Do not put unnecessary things in your suitcase. Use our tips to properly collect your luggage:

  • Bring a minimum amount of clothing with you. 2-3 T-shirts, a pair of underwear and 3 pairs of socks are enough. All of these items can be easily washed at the hotel and dried overnight.
  • Shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste, brush and hairdryer should be taken with you. If you are traveling together, take one compact hairdryer for two. There is a hairdryer at the reception in every hostel, but usually it is busy.
  • A minimum of medicines in the first aid kit. Take pain relievers, band-aids, and other medications that you need. The names of the medicines should be easy to read on the packages. This will avoid questioning the customs officer.
  • Travel kit: spoon, knife, fork.
  • Miniature padlock to close the hotel safe.
  • Small souvenirs for local people.

Important tourist attributes to carry with you:

  • international passport,
  • visa,
  • cash (cash, bank card),
  • phrasebook,
  • insurance,
  • international driver's license (if any).

When going to Europe, do not forget to make a couple of photocopies of all the listed documents. It is also recommended to keep them in your e-mail box. After collecting things, you need to fold them correctly. The cash should be divided into several parts and distributed separately. Also put your passport and its copies in different parts of the suitcase. Thus, your documents will be stored in 3-4 places. Place the passport in a waterproof file. Experienced tourists recommend storing documents in under-body travel bags-pockets. They are not noticeable under the clothes. In addition, these bags are moisture resistant. If you want to take a bank card with you, then you should give preference to a bank card from Europe. If you don't have one, then take a MasterCard, Visa, Dinners Club or American Express credit card.
