Independent travel to Tunisia

Independent travel to Tunisia
Independent travel to Tunisia
photo: Independent travel to Tunisia
photo: Independent travel to Tunisia

The capital of one of the Maghreb countries, Tunisia is not like its Arab brothers. It is distinguished by a special combination of Eastern traditions and Western achievements, history and modernity are closely intertwined in it, and therefore to see not only beach Tunisia, but also its capital of the same name is an excellent opportunity to get something more from rest than a traditional tan and a few extra pounds in an all inclusive.

When to go to Tunisia?

Summer is the hottest time in the capital of Tunisia, when the thermometer stably "jump out" above +35 degrees. In combination with the hot wind from the desert, such weather does not contribute to the maximum excursion program. It often rains in the capital of the Arab state in winter, and therefore the best time to visit Tunisia is spring and autumn.

How to get to Tunisia?

Direct charters from Moscow usually land at resort airports, and therefore to visit the capital either have to use the services of a national airline, or buy a ticket for a flight from one of the European carriers and fly with a connection, for which a Russian does not even need a transit visa. Flights with special offers turn out to be especially profitable, for information about which you should subscribe directly on the airlines' websites.

Housing issue

Optimal and inexpensive - to settle in the capital of Tunisia in one of the hotels located in the suburb of Gammart. Of the advantages of living there, tourists note not only affordable prices for rooms, but also relative silence, which is not guaranteed by a hotel located in the historical center of the city.

Argue about tastes

Tunisia is a paradise for lovers of Arabic cuisine and those with a sweet tooth. Here you can and should try food from street vendors, order coffee and sweets and sit for hours in cozy restaurants, watching the unhurried local life. It is best to celebrate an important event or simply have a gala dinner in an expensive restaurant. There you will be able to fully feel like a guest in an oriental fairy tale around which the whole world revolves.

Informative and fun

The main historical attraction of Tunisia is Medina or the Old City. All architectural monuments, ancient mosques, museums and tombs are located here. On the territory of Medina, oriental bazaars are noisy, where you can desperately bargain and buy, as a result, magnificent souvenirs at least half the price of the originally declared cost.
