Magnitogorsk is located in the Chelyabinsk Region, on both sides of the Ural River. Almost all industrial enterprises are located on the left bank. Therefore, the areas on the right bank are considered more environmentally friendly.
What kind of rest children's rest is possible
Children's camps in Magnitogorsk are represented by a wide network of health-improving and specialized institutions. They offer fun activities for children from 7 to 16 years old. Excursions around Magnitogorsk are interesting for schoolchildren. The children visit the city circus, the Waterfall of Miracles water park and the city's museums. The museum of the poet Ruchyov, the Museum of the Metallurgical Combine, the Museum of Local Lore and other museums operate here. For active recreation and sports, urban surroundings, where there are many beautiful lakes, are more suitable. Cycling and skiing are popular in the suburbs of Magnitogorsk. In the city itself, there are spectacular and unusual monuments created not so long ago. Its decoration is a light and music fountain, which is especially beautiful in the evening. Of the architectural monuments, the Temple of the Ascension of the Lord, the Cathedral Mosque and the Central Bridge leading from Asia to Europe and back are of interest.
The main types of children's camps
Children's camps in Magnitogorsk can be divided into seasonal and year-round. Seasonal camps operate only during the winter and summer holidays. They organize educational and recreational leisure for schoolchildren. Among such institutions, language and sports camps are of particular benefit. All-year-round recreation is offered by camps of a sanatorium and recreational type. They accept schoolchildren who need treatment. Together with wellness procedures, children can study according to the school curriculum. There are many day camps and weekend establishments in Magnitogorsk.
If we take into account the place of residence of vacationers, then there are tent and stationary camps. The former work in the warm season, offering children accommodation in tents. Inpatient facilities are much more comfortable. Schoolchildren live in comfortable houses or buildings with conveniences. There are also mobile camps in the city. They rent comfortable rooms for children every year. Usually such a base is formed at hotels, other camps or hotels. Day camps have become very popular in Magnitogorsk. They only work during the day. Typically, these institutions only invite schoolchildren for June. Children in the health camp attend sections, study in circles, walk on the school grounds, play, work, and receive good nutrition.