In Kirov, there are 67 schools with children's camps in the summer. In addition to them, creative and sports schools offer recreation for children. Organization of children's recreation is under the control of the city administration. During the summer holidays, many schoolchildren manage to visit camps with a day stay. The authorities pay special attention to the recreation of children who are in a difficult situation. There are at least 2,500 such children. More than 1800 children can rest in the day camps.
What are the features of the Kirov camps
Children's camps in Kirov operate in accordance with the general rules for organizing children's health-improving recreation. Many institutions are innovating and offering engaging programs that are second to none. As a rule, health camps are designed for children aged 6 to 17 years. Some parents purchase vouchers for 2 shifts at once, believing that one shift in the camp is not enough for a good rest. If the child has not yet turned 9 years old, it is better to limit yourself to only one voucher for the summer. When he is over 10 years old, you can send him to camp for 2 shifts. The ideal option is to stay in the camp for 1 shift, then skip one shift and come for the third. If a student rests in the camp for 2 months in a row, then he gets tired psychologically. Such rest no longer causes positive emotions. Having decided to send your child to the camp for the whole summer, purchase tickets to different institutions.
Kirov camps are divided into traditional, sports and institutions of a certain specificity. The choice of vouchers is very wide, so every family can send a child to the camp, taking into account his wishes. The climatic conditions of the region make it possible to rest in children's centers in any season. Excellent camps are located on the banks of the Vyatka River. Coniferous forests are located nearby, the air in which is considered to be healing. Rest in such ecologically clean places is beneficial for children's health.
Is the child ready for the camp
Children's camps in Kirov are health-improving institutions that employ only experienced teachers. Counselors and educators create a supportive atmosphere in which each child can reveal their individuality. However, not all children enjoy living in camps, away from their parents. There is a category of children who can hardly endure separation from home. Usually these are children who have difficulty communicating with their peers. It is not recommended for such students to go to the camp earlier than 8 years old. In addition, it is very important that the child is independent. All the subtleties of self-organization should be solved by parents at home. In the camp, the child must wash his own hands, wash, dress, etc.