Parents of schoolchildren from Tatarstan prefer to buy tickets to local camps. And this is not surprising, because the republic has all the conditions for an interesting children's holiday. Tatarstan is a subject of the Russian Federation and is included in the Volga Federal District. Kazan is considered the capital of the republic. Tatarstan borders on Ulyanovsk, Kirov, Orenburg, Samara and other regions. Rest in the republic is, first of all, beach and sanatorium rest. Those who like a calm, quiet and measured life come here. Here you can go for walks, hiking trips, fishing, and medical rest. River cruises are popular among outdoor activities.
Children's rest conditions
Children's camps in Tatarstan are represented by sanatorium and sports and fitness centers. On the territory of the republic there are camps with a round-the-clock and day stay. Children rest in sanatoriums and camps during the summer and winter holidays. Tatarstan is interesting for high school students who are fond of history. On its territory there are villages and cities that have been assigned the status of historical cities of the Russian Federation. These include Elabuga, Bugulma, Menzelinsk, Kazan and others. Tatarstan is located on the East European Plain, at the confluence of the Kama and Volga, occupying the center of Russia. Almost the entire territory is a plain in the forest-steppe and steppe zones. There are insignificant uplands in the southeastern part of Tatarstan.
The republic is ruled by a temperate continental climate. Summer is warm here, and winter is moderately cold. The hottest month is July, when the air warms up to +20 degrees. The most severe frosts are in January. Sometimes the air temperature reaches -14 degrees. Climatic differences on the territory of the republic are insignificant. Such conditions make it possible to organize an exciting children's holiday.
Popular tours to Tatarstan
In recent years, medical tours to Tatarstan are in demand. Sanatoriums and health camps offer a wide variety of types of recreation and treatment. Prices remain moderate, which makes the packages very popular. The republic has great natural potential. Therefore, everyone can choose a course of treatment for themselves. Tourists here rest in sanatoriums that offer treatment methods similar to the treatment programs of health resorts in Europe. Recreational children's camps in Tatarstan include in their programs such services as climatotherapy, balneological baths, mud therapy, herbal medicine, etc. Sanatoriums and camps in the republic are not only treatment, but also an interesting rest with friends.