Almaty is the “southern capital” of Kazakhstan. The city is located in the south-eastern part of the republic, near the picturesque mountains of the Zailiyskiy Alatau. The climate there is mild and peculiar. However, the ecological situation in the city is not easy, so for a quality rest it is better to choose places located outside the city. Children's camps in Almaty are mainly located in ecologically clean areas.
Where better to send a child on vacation
There are health centers near the Small Almaty Gorge, not far from the Medeo skating rink. The temperate continental climate of the city provides warm weather. In Alma-Ata, the climatic conditions are milder than in many other cities of Kazakhstan. The difficult situation with the ecology is due to the peculiarities of the location of Almaty - the city is located in a foothill basin. Due to such an interesting relief, it suffers from foul air and overcrowding.
Smog constantly hangs over the “southern capital”. According to the calculations of specialists, there are 200 kg of harmful emissions for each inhabitant of this megalopolis. This situation has an extremely unfavorable effect on people's health. Therefore, parents during school holidays send their children outside the city - to sanatoriums, health camps and dispensaries.
The best camps for children are located on the side of the mountain. Many health-improving institutions have been functioning since Soviet times. Having successfully survived the reconstruction, they continue to work today. Each mountain camp is a whole health complex with modern buildings. All children's camps in Almaty are equipped with the necessary equipment and renovated. The following objects must be located on the territory of the camp:
- canteen,
- first-aid post,
- cinema hall,
- gym,
- pool,
- football field,
- playgrounds,
- large assembly hall.
How rest is organized in the camps of Almaty
A shift at the health camp can last from 10 to 21 days. Children can come to rest not only during summer holidays, but also in winter, spring and autumn. In the camp, children are divided into groups, focusing on their age. Usually up to 9 squads are formed. Children are provided with warm and well-equipped rooms for living. The infrastructure of the camps is very well developed. Counselors, instructors and teachers conduct health, sports and cultural programs. Children's camps are located in safe areas. The territory of each of them is under protection. The mountainous clean air, saturated with the aromas of wild herbs, is the best remedy for children's health. In the camp, the guys spend the whole day in the fresh air, which helps to improve their health.