Population of South Africa

Population of South Africa
Population of South Africa
photo: Population of South Africa
photo: Population of South Africa

The population of South Africa is over 47 million people. It is represented by people who belong to different races, cultures and religions.

National composition:

- Blacks: Zulu, Kosa, Soto, Ndebele, immigrants from Nigeria and Zimbabwe (80%);

- Whites: Dutch, Germans, French (10%);

- “Colored” population: descendants of early settlers, their slaves and indigenous peoples of South Africa (8%);

- Asians (2%).

Currently, whites are trying to emigrate from South Africa: the reason lies in the outbreaks of the AIDS epidemic (5 million people are infected with HIV) and high crime in cities. But at the same time, people living in other African countries, especially residents of Zimbabwe, immigrate here.

On average, 40 people live per 1 km2, but the most densely populated are the southwestern (Cape) and northeastern regions, in which Pretoria and the manufacturing and mining industries are located.

Official languages - English, Zulu, Afrikaans, Ndebele and others (11 in total).

Major cities: Cape Town, Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth, Pretoria, Durban, East London.

Residents of South Africa mainly profess Christianity, but among them there are Hindus, Jews, Muslims.

Life span

The male population of the country lives on average up to 43 years, and the female population - up to 41 years.

Low life expectancy is due to the inaccessibility of treatment and difficult socio-economic working conditions. The country has health services for people of different races, with widely differing levels of health care. Thus, the non-white population of the country is subjected to severe discrimination.

Most people die from drug use, AIDS (the most contaminated area is Natal province) and skin cancer due to strong ultraviolet radiation.

Traditions and customs of the peoples of South Africa

Polygamy is allowed in South Africa. Girls can become brides from the age of 13 (the ransom for the bride is paid in cows). But, according to tradition, the leader of the tribe must give consent to their marriage.

The indigenous population of South Africa believes in legends and tales. For example, there is no fish and seafood in their diet, since they are sure that water is fraught with danger, and it is inhabited by underwater inhabitants.

Life in South Africa is distinguished by a contrast: in rural areas they still live according to the traditions of their ancestors (for people the most important thing is family, caring for family members), and the main values of city dwellers are success and financial well-being (this is especially noticeable in the life of the residents of Johannesburg).

Arriving in South Africa, you can purchase the results of traditional crafts of the peoples of South Africa - beads and ceramics, carved wooden products, wicker baskets …

If you are invited to visit in South Africa, do not forget to take with you a gift for the host (wine, cigarettes, whiskey, souvenirs that are the symbol of your country).
