The latest version of the flag of the overseas territory of Bermuda was approved as official in 1999.
Description and proportions of the flag of Bermuda
The fabric of the Bermuda flag has a classic rectangular shape, and its sides are in a ratio of 1: 2. It is approved for use by the citizens of the country and its official and state organizations for any purpose on land. On the water, the flag of Bermuda is allowed to be raised on private ships and on ships of the merchant fleet.
The main field of the Bermuda flag is bright red. In the upper left part, equal to a quarter of the total area of the rectangle, is the image of the British flag. The coat of arms of Bermuda is applied to the right half of the cloth.
The coat of arms of Bermuda has the classic form of a heraldic shield and depicts a red lion holding a bizarre shield in its front paws. On a shield against a blue sky in the white foam of sea waves, a ship is dying, symbolizing the frigate "Sea Fortune", whose passengers safely escaped on the islands and founded the first settlement. The lion in red is Great Britain holding its own domain in its paws. Below, on the coat of arms of Bermuda, the country's motto is inscribed, which reads "Where good luck will take".
History of the flag of Bermuda
Bermuda from the beginning of the 17th century served as a territory for English colonists. In 1684, they were officially declared the possession of the British Crown, and the flag of Bermuda at the beginning of the twentieth century became the common flag of all the colonies of Great Britain. The British flag was inscribed in its upper quarter at the flagpole, and the colony's coat of arms was located in the right half. The difference between the flag of Bermuda and the cloths of other colonial subjects was that the field of the flag was red, not blue.
The flag of Bermuda has undergone minor changes during its existence, which did not always turn out to be noticeable to an outside observer. They concerned the shade of the general field of the flag and some details on the coat of arms of the state. The final and final version of the Bermuda flag, used until today, was adopted in 1999 and approved by Her Majesty, who continues to be Queen of Great Britain and all her overseas possessions. Self-government, obtained by Bermuda in 1968, concerns only the internal affairs of the country.