Description of the attraction
The Ggantija temple complex, which received the second name the Tower of the Giants, is recognized as the most ancient megalithic structure not only in Malta, but also on the entire planet. It began to be built around 3600 BC. NS.
This temple is better preserved than other megaliths in Malta. Probably, for this it is worth to thank its builders, who erected the outer walls of the temple complex, alternating vertical boulders, reaching a height of 7.5 meters, with horizontal ones. The cracks between them were filled with small jackdaws and earth.
Two temples of Ggantija, built at different times, also had internal walls built of softer and more delicate stone. The floor and doorways were also created from it. Spiral patterns have been carved into the floor slabs. From the inside, the walls of the temples were covered with a layer of plaster, which was covered with red paint. The vaults of the temples have not survived to our time, but scientists believe that wood or animal skin was used for their manufacture.
The two rounded temples of the Jantia complex do not communicate with each other. The South Temple was built earlier than the North Temple. It is large in size. Probably, it was a kind of sacred structure where sacrifices were made to the gods. The ancient people who built the temples praised the goddesses of fertility. This is evidenced by some ceramic figurines found here during excavations. Some significant finds have been donated to the Archaeological Museum of the Island of Gozo.
The Jgantiya temple complex is under the protection of UNESCO. It is open for inspection. At its entrance, the locals organized something like a small market where you can buy delicious home-made jam.
Description added:
Svetlana 2014-24-09
You can get there from Victoria by bus 307 (12 minutes). Entrance: a modern gray one-story building. inside there is an air conditioner and two aunts, each has a computer. Entrance fee € 9 (September 2014). There are very few visitors.