Description of the attraction
The Vysotsky House on Taganka, or the State Cultural Center-Museum of V. S. Vysotsky, is located in the Nizhny Tagansky deadlock. It is very easy to recognize the building of the museum by the large portrait of Vysotsky adorning the wall of the museum.
The Vysotsky House on Taganka is not only a museum, but also a cultural and scientific center, whose employees are engaged in the collection, study and storage of materials reflecting the era in which Vladimir Semenovich lived, his work and his life.
After the death of Vysotsky, many letters came to the Taganka Theater with requests to create a museum. Some people sent exhibits for the museum. This is how the idea of creating a museum came about. An initiative group was created to collect incoming materials and collect museum funds.
In January 1989, an order was issued by the Council of Ministers of the USSR to create a museum of V. S. Vysotsky. The Executive Committee of the Moscow City Council appointed a directorate for the creation of the museum. The Directorate held a seminar, during which the structure of the future museum was determined. The management of the museum and the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR conducted a sociological survey. The participants were asked the question: "What should a museum be like?" The results of the sociological research showed that the majority would like the museum to be a scientific and cultural center as well.
In 1987, the Soviet Cultural Foundation began raising funds to create a museum. The fund received funds from citizens, royalties from concerts of artists, fees from holding memorial evenings. Vladimir Vysotsky's mother donated part of the USSR State Prize received by Vysotsky posthumously to the creation of the museum.
In 1988, a board of trustees was created, which included more than twenty people. Most of them are famous people: Chairman - Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences K. V. Chistov, Rector of the Moscow Historical and Archival Institute Yu. N. Afanasyev, Director of the Pushkin Museum im. A. S. Pushkina I. A. Antonova, the parents of Vladimir Vysotsky, as well as the USSR pilot-cosmonaut G. M. Grechko and many others.
The first action of the created museum was an exhibition dedicated to the tenth anniversary of Vysotsky's death - "Vysotsky in the context of Russian culture." The museum did not yet have its own building, the exhibition was held in the hall of the Culture Fund, and then in the hall at VDNKh. The exhibition was attended by over three thousand people.
The current exposition of the museum was opened in 2000, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the death of Vysotsky. The exposition, housed in three halls, contains more than a thousand exhibits. The names of the expositions were given by Vysotsky's poetic lines: “I am all in the light….”, “My own track”. The third hall is Vysotsky's office. The exposition is made up of objects and materials from Vysotsky's apartment on Malaya Gruzinskaya Street, where he lived in 1975-1980.
The museum has a huge number of original items belonging to Vysotsky. Everywhere in the halls there are poems, drafts, texts of famous and unknown songs, black and white photographs, postcards, letters. The expositions clearly and succinctly present the biography and personality of the poet and actor. A large projector shows excerpts from the play "Hamlet" with the poet in the lead role.
| All reviews 0 nastya 2014-15-12 11:51:32
A very strange experience We were in a group of 20 people on December 13, 2014. A very hard impression is left by the employees in the museum hall - in particular Valentina Ivanovna (she unfortunately did not say her last name, and there was no badge on her).
In a group of 20 people there were 12 adults and 8 adolescents aged 10 to 14 years in …
5 Nesterov P. P. 2013-11-09 18:46:08
I'll be back more than once. Since there was a cleaning day at the museum on September 10, 2013, I came the next day - i.e. today is September 11, 2013. Was on permanent display - the rest of the expositions offered for inspection I will leave for the next visit to Moscow. Very satisfied. I will be back more than once. Leaving the house-museum collided …
1 Andrey 2013-03-08 21:29:37
Feedback on the attempt to visit the museum Today, 2013-03-08, at about 11.30 am, my wife and I decided to go to the Vysotsky Museum, since we very much respect this Man and his work. We gathered for many years and now everything worked out! After we entered the museum, an obese guard immediately ran up to us, who said that he would not let me through …