Description of the attraction
The monument to the great bard, poet and actor Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky was opened in Melitopol in September 2000. The sponsor was a local businessman Memetov Hasim Shevketovich, who owns the Passage shopping center, in front of which a monument is erected.
The authorship belongs to the honored sculptor of Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk resident Konstantin Chekanev, who did not live to see the opening of the monument due to a serious illness. Although the construction of the monument was given permission by the city authorities, nevertheless, due to difficulties in the preparation of documents, the monument has not yet been entered into the state register.
The monument to Vladimir Vysotsky is a significant place for the Melitopol admirers of the author's song. Twice a year - on the birthday and on the day of Vysotsky's death - fans of his work gather at the monument. From time to time, performances of Melitopol bards take place right at the monument. In recent years, these events have been organized by the city club of musicians and singers "Creative Workshop".
Vladimir Vysotsky himself had a chance to visit Melitopol only once, in April 1978 with a concert at the House of Culture. Shevchenko T. G., just two hundred meters from the place where his monument stands today. The concert was arranged spontaneously, without prior agreement with Vysotsky. However, twice as many tickets were sold to the hall, designed for a thousand seats, in a very short time.