Description of the attraction
The Greco-Roman Museum was founded in 1892. The first collections were housed in a five-room apartment, in a small building on Rosetta Street (later renamed Avenue Canope, present-day Horria). In 1895, the collection was moved to another building near Gamal Abdel Nasser Street.
The museum contains several items dating back to the Ptolemaic era - 3rd century BC, such as sculptures of Apis from black granite, mummies, sarcophagus, tapestries and other objects of the Greco-Roman civilization closely related to ancient Egypt. The museum collection has appeared and is being replenished thanks to donations from wealthy Alexandrians, as well as from archaeological excavations led by specialized institutes, carried out both within the city and in its vicinity. Some artifacts were donated by the Antiquities Organization in Cairo (in particular, items from the Pharaonic period) and from various search expeditions conducted at Fayum and Benhasa at the beginning of the century.
Today, 27 halls of the museum are housed in a historic building with a beautiful neoclassical facade, six columns. The complex is surrounded by a beautiful garden, which also gives an idea of the traditions of park architecture from the Greco-Roman period.
For several years, the museum has been undergoing renovations; the work schedule needs to be clarified with the travel agency.