Museum of microminiature "Russian Lefty" description and photos - Russia - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg

Museum of microminiature "Russian Lefty" description and photos - Russia - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg
Museum of microminiature "Russian Lefty" description and photos - Russia - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg
Microminiature Museum
Microminiature Museum

Description of the attraction

We all know from a children's fairy tale about a Russian craftsman Lefty, who shod a flea, but how many people know that not only a shod flea, but also a lot of amazing microminiatures can be seen in an unusual museum called "Russian Lefty" in St. Petersburg. This museum is unusual precisely for its exhibits - they are so small that you simply cannot see them with the naked eye, because they are all less than a millimeter in size.

Museum "Russian Levsha" - the first in Russia museum of microminiatures, opened in 2006, on the day of commemoration of St. St. Cosmas and Damian, artisans and patrons of blacksmithing. The museum's collection of microminiatures comprises 75 items. Exhibits can only be viewed through microscopes that are built into exhibition forms.

The author of unique works is microminiaturist, physicist V. Aniskin (Novosibirsk). In addition to his works, the museum's expositions are supplemented by the works of other blacksmiths and artists, micro-craftsmen - real Russian craftsmen who can surprise the world.

What is microminiature? This is the rarest and most original trend in art, whose craftsmen create amazing mini-masterpieces. An important feature of this art form is the almost complete absence of working tools. Craftsmen have to create each type of tool for the immediate need for it and in a single copy. Another difficulty in creating microminiatures is that they are created manually, without the use of robots or manipulators.

The material for the manufacture of miniature masterpieces is very different - from gold and silver, glass and birch bark to household dust, which at high magnification shimmers with all shades of the rainbow. By the way, one of the museum's exhibits is a delicate rose created from dust particles and placed inside a human hair. Just imagine how difficult it is to collect leaves and stems from green dust particles, and petals from blood-red ones!

Also on display is a classic - a flea shod with silver horseshoes. And now this miracle can be seen with your own eyes. Another masterpiece of microminiature is a camel caravan in the background of a sunset, marching inside the eye of a needle. The height of the camels is not more than 0.1 mm, and the setting sun is painted with oil paints. And here is a unique text for 2 printed pages, placed on a cut of a grain of rice. Here is a little bee - it seems nothing special - but under a microscope you will see on the head of this bee the heroes of the famous Soviet cartoon - Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore the donkey and also a ladybug on a flower.

Another miniature, in comparison with the head of an ordinary match, seems just tiny, but this is a full-fledged chess table (moreover, two-layer), with an engraved surface, inlaid with silver and chess pieces made of gold and silver.

Also among the exhibits of the museum are awards in a unique design: three Orders of Glory (0.8 mm in size) made of gold and tin on a cut of rice grain. Also presented is the smallest UEFA football Cup, with a height of only 2 mm. The copy of the cup is also surprising in that the author deliberately left only one flag on the cup - Russia.

It is impossible to look at these masterpieces without admiration, they show with their splendor and uniqueness that the Russian land is still rich in truly great talents, capable of painstakingly collecting beautiful microminiatures literally by specks of dust, and in fact the whole process often drags on for years. One can only imagine how difficult and exciting it is. The main thing in creating miniature works of art is a great desire, perseverance and perseverance.

Another feature of the museum is that there are no guided tours. You walk and inspect the entire exposition of the museum on your own, you can also attend a master class on painting souvenirs or forging coins (horseshoes) for good luck.


| All reviews 0 Tatyana 2012-11-08 1:00:51 AM

the museum has moved forever THE MUSEUM IS OPENED AND IS WAITING FOR GUESTS IN A NEW PLACE! The unique St. Petersburg museum-legend “Russian Lefty”, which unites in its collection two rare types of art: modern innovative art of microminiature and traditional, ancient blacksmithing, has finally found a permanent place to live …

