Description of the attraction
The Taman Cossack Museum is located in the village of Taman, on the seashore near the old pier. The museum was created, maintained and replenished with exhibits thanks to the enthusiasts of the Taman region - Vladimir Ivanovich Bystrov and Valentina Ivanovna, his wife. The exhibits of the museum were purchased with the Bystrovs' personal savings, some of them were donated. The exposition of the museum is constantly replenished with new acquisitions. Vladimir Ivanovich is the ataman of the Taman Cossack society, and his wife is the curator of the museum.
Historically, the word "Cossack" comes from the Turkic and means - a free person, not bound by anything. In Russia, the Cossacks were people of the so-called draft and tax class, who did not put up with overwhelming duties and taxes and evaded them, moving to the southern outskirts of the country. Not every person of those times had the courage to live on the outskirts of Russia, subjected to constant raids by the Mongols, Turks, and the troops of the Crimean Khanate. The Cossacks were distinguished by their high combat training, solidarity, irrepressible courage, military and everyday ingenuity.
Exhibits of the Cossack museum are located in several rooms of the headquarters of the Taman Cossack society. Inspection of the exposition begins with a Cossack hut, where the home furnishings of a Cossack family are recreated in detail, allowing you to imagine the living conditions, materials, furniture and household appliances of that era.
The second room houses several exhibitions related to historical time and place of events. Here visitors will see items of Cossack utensils, Cossack weapons, horse harness, cold and firearms, banknotes and coins of different years. Among the items that attract the attention of visitors are original old photographs of the Cossacks and their families. The exhibits also make it possible to trace the changes in the living conditions of the Cossack class over the years up to the middle of the XX century. The theme of the period of the Great Patriotic War is well covered, samples of weapons, soldiers' equipment, many photographs of the war years are presented.
The exposition of the third room displays a rich collection of wooden soldiers, giving an idea of the appearance and equipment of the soldiers of the Preobrazhensky, Izmailovsky, Petrovsky and other regiments of the early 18th century and later periods.
In addition to the exhibits of the Cossack theme, visitors can admire the works of talented descendants of the Cossacks - Taman artists, whose works occupy two halls. For amateurs and collectors, the museum has a souvenir stall and an exhibition and sale of paintings by local artists.