Description of the attraction
The Demerdzhi mountain range is one of the pearls of the Crimean peninsula, a unique and mysterious mountain range located 10 km from the city of Alushta, near the village of Luchistoe, from where the ascent to the mysterious mountain begins.
The name of the mountain range Demerdzhi in translation from the Crimean Tatar means "blacksmith". There are many legends about the mountain, one of which tells about a blacksmith who forged weapons for the conquerors on the top of the mountain, and a girl who asked the blacksmith to extinguish the blacksmith's forge, to pity those who die from this weapon. According to legend, an innocent girl dies and the mountain, unable to withstand such an atrocity, swallowed everything in its depths. Under the influence of strong winds, small pieces of rock are separated from the mountain range. Striking when falling, they give rise to sounds reminiscent of the blows of a blacksmith who forged a weapon.
The main peaks of the mountain are South Demerdzhi and North Demerdzhi. Their height is 1249 and 1356 m above sea level, respectively. On the slopes of South Demerdzhi you can see bizarre stone sculptures. This place is called "Valley of Ghosts".
A stunning panorama of the surroundings opens from the top of South Demerdzhi: in the east you can see the chain of the Sudak mountains, in the southwest - the vast Alushta amphitheater with the surrounding Babugan and Chatyr-Dag mountain ranges, in the distance the endless expanses of the Black Sea are spread.
Nearby there is a tree with the unusual name "Yuri Nikulin's Nut". It was here that the scene of falling from a tree was filmed on the set of the famous film "Prisoner of the Caucasus". In the Valley of Ghosts, a stone has been preserved on which N. Varley danced to the song "Somewhere in this world …". This stone has a rather impressive size - its height is about 2 m.
Mount Demerdzhi is one of the most beautiful mountains in Crimea. It attracts tourists from all over the world with its extraordinary beauty.
| All reviews 5 Elena 2012-27-10 4:00:11 PM
Place of power in Crimea !!! For me, this is the strongest place in Crimea. I want to return there again and again to feed myself with energy and strength. It is very beautiful and easy to breathe there. With every breath you feel how every cell is saturated with the life-giving energy of Demerdzhi.
You can also arrange excursions around the city at the equestrian club.