Falling house (Schiefes Haus) description and photos - Germany: Ulm

Falling house (Schiefes Haus) description and photos - Germany: Ulm
Falling house (Schiefes Haus) description and photos - Germany: Ulm
Falling house
Falling house

Description of the attraction

One of the most striking examples of the late Gothic style, the Falling House in Ulm is not just a local landmark today. The half-timbered house, traditional for some regions of Germany, looks authentic, moreover, the house hangs over the water, which is also typical for medieval Ulm, where artisans of various professions lived mainly. This house is named "Falling" because its slope is 9-10 degrees, which, of course, arouses not only interest from tourists, but also disputes between architects and builders about how to prevent it from falling completely.

One of the main landmarks for tourists, the Leaning House is located in the old quarter. The building dates back to the 14th century and pleases that it has practically not changed its appearance since the distant 1443. Despite the fires and wars, this house has retained all its characteristic features, including the moss on the roof, and its interior decoration, of course, changed quite often. The architecture is interesting, replete with complex engineering solutions: the diagonal fixings of the first floor carry the main function and support the subsequent floors. The wood used in construction belongs to the category of ship wood, it is especially durable.

Legends say that in the basement of this interesting house there used to be storage facilities for fish, which were brought by local fishermen. Some changes took place in the middle of the 17th century, when the building was fortified and no longer served commercial purposes. And since the end of 1995, one of the most attractive hotels for tourists has been arranged in the house: is it a joke, to spend a few days in a house that has no analogue anywhere in the world!

