Manor Chernevo description and photo - Russia - North-West: Pskov region

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Manor Chernevo description and photo - Russia - North-West: Pskov region
Manor Chernevo description and photo - Russia - North-West: Pskov region

Video: Manor Chernevo description and photo - Russia - North-West: Pskov region

Video: Manor Chernevo description and photo - Russia - North-West: Pskov region
Video: Усадьба Чернова. 10 декабря 2021 г. 2024, July
Estate Chernevo
Estate Chernevo

Description of the attraction

In the 16th century, the brothers Khvostov and Alexander Nashchekin owned the lands of the Pribuzhskaya volost of the Gdovsky district. In the middle of the 17th century, the Khvostovs began the construction of a manor house in Chernevo on the bank of the Plyussa River. But already at the beginning of the 18th century, Major General Olga Gillane von Gembitz became the new owner of the estate. From her in 1750, the land passed to Prince Nikolai Ivanovich Saltykov, who was at that time 14 years old.

Saltykov Nikolai Ivanovich was a descendant of Catherine's grandee. In 1814, Alexander I conferred the princely dignity on him. Nikolai Ivanovich paid great attention to the improvement of the Chernev estate and the expansion of the estate. He decided to build a match factory. There were good conditions for this: a favorable economic and geographical position, the nearby Pskov-Gdov railway, a forest-rich area. The Sphinx match business was built, and the Chernevo estate turned into a large and well-equipped estate.

The estate was divided into 3 zones: an industrial, an economic and a noble estate proper with a palace, a beautiful park and other buildings. This layout of the estate is confirmed by a description that was drawn up in 1918. The document named 70 buildings.

The main place in the estate was occupied by the prince's palace. It was 4-storeyed, consisted of 36 rooms and had 3 entrances. In addition to the palace, the manor ensemble included the following buildings: a 2-storey manager's house, consisting of 7 rooms, a 2-storey house of the forester with 6 rooms, a gardener's house (5 rooms), a servant's house (9 rooms), houses for workers, a stone greenhouse, office, post office, hot water, stockyard (150 cows), pigsty (100 pigs), stable (37 horses), 2 glaciers, barns, barns, sheds for storing agricultural tools, bathhouse, smithy. The estate employed 20 laborers. In addition, a nursery garden was set up at the estate, in which about 800 apple trees, 600 berry bushes grew, and 11 greenhouses were built. The initial processing of dairy products and berry and fruit raw materials was carried out here.

The decoration of the Chernevo estate was a picturesque landscape park with an area of 420,000 sq. M. It was located on the left bank of the Plyussa River. Ancient trees and flowering shrubs of the park were replaced by green glades, connected by a bizarre pattern of paths. The central park alley led from the palace to the factory.

The match factory was located at a distance from the estate and agricultural land. The factory and sawmill were surrounded by 3 houses for workers (12 rooms in each), a bathhouse and a prison building. The main buildings of the estate were separated from the industrial and agricultural areas of the estate.

In 1816, Nikolai Ivanovich Saltykov died. And the estate began to be passed down from generation to generation. In 1903, the estate passed to the great-great-grandson (also a prince) of Prince Ivan Nikolaevich Saltykov. After the October Revolution of 1917, the last owner of the Chernevo estate left the country. After 1917, the estate was plundered, in 1922 a fire broke out, the palace was damaged, and its remaining parts were dismantled by peasants into bricks for stoves in their houses. The barn and the 1st floor of the former house of the manager of the miracle have been preserved.

At present, only a park has survived from the old estate, consisting of oak and pine groves, as well as alleys of linden, spruce, birch, and oak. Ornamental shrubs can also be found in the park: fieldfare, willow spirea, caragana shrub, common honeysuckle, yellow acacia. In addition, rare species of trees for the Pskov Territory grow here: balsam poplar, European larch, Siberian pine (cedar). The northern zone of the park is disturbed by a modern country house.

The oldest manor park was awarded the status of a monument of garden and park art.
