Description of the attraction
For everyone who has visited Bolivia, we recommend taking a walk along the most famous street in the country - Jaén. It is also called the Street of Museums. This place is featured in all travel guides in the country. As they say, there are museums on every "square" meter. The Museo de Metales Preciosos and the Museo Costumbrista are museums of the history of the state, the rise of Bolivia during the era of huge amounts of silver mining, and its fall after rich deposits were plundered and devastated. A sacred place for all Bolivians House-Museum of Pedro Domingo Murillo, the man who declared the country's independence. Every resident of the country considers it his duty to visit his home at least once in his life. The cobblestones of Jaen Street still keep the memory of how he energetically walked through these places, reflecting on the freedom and independence of his country. On the street, in addition to museum attractions, you can buy national souvenirs.