Shamov's house description and photo - Russia - Volga region: Kazan

Shamov's house description and photo - Russia - Volga region: Kazan
Shamov's house description and photo - Russia - Volga region: Kazan

Table of contents:

House of Shamov
House of Shamov

Description of the attraction

Shamov's house is located in the central part of Kazan, on the street. Ostrovsky. These are two separate two-storey houses. They form a city estate complex. A stone driveway is located between them. There is a main entrance from the street facade. The houses are built of red bricks in a classic style with a touch of eclecticism. Forged lattices serve as the only decoration of the house.

The courtyard and the house were for Shamov a large business office. Along the perimeter of the courtyard, storerooms with heavy iron doors were built of red brick. The storerooms had deep cellars.

The city estate was owned by the Kazan merchant Yakov Filippovich Shamov (1833 - 1908) - hereditary honorary citizen of Kazan, the largest grain merchant in Kazan and throughout the Volga region, an Old Believer. Being a rich man, Ya. F. Shamov spent a lot of money on charity. He financed the school of drawing, the Alexandrovsk city hospital. He invested a lot of money in the construction of a new hospital, which was opened in 1910. The first Clinical Hospital of Kazan is still popularly called Shamovskaya. The merchant himself did not live to see the opening day of the hospital. The hospital was opened by his wife, Agrafena Khrisanfovna Shamova.

Y. F. Shamov was born in the family of Philip Shamov, an old-believer middle-level merchant. When Yakov grew up, he was sent to study with the well-known merchants of the Old Believers Fomin in Kazan. They were experienced and well versed in the "merchant sciences." Yakov practiced in the shops of merchants at the Hay Bazaar. The young man turned out to be capable, soon he was promoted to clerk. They began to call him Yakov Filippovich, and he became the groom of the owner's daughter Agrafena Khrisanfovna. After the wedding, the Fomin brothers helped Yakov Filippovich open his own business. Good luck in everything accompanied him, he soon became one of the largest grain merchants. For many years he headed the city community of Old Believers. Shamov was also the chairman of the board of the Kazan Merchant Bank.

Nowadays, the House of Friendship of Peoples is located in Shamov's house.
