Tourbet El Bey mausoleum description and photos - Tunisia: Tunisia

Tourbet El Bey mausoleum description and photos - Tunisia: Tunisia
Tourbet El Bey mausoleum description and photos - Tunisia: Tunisia
Mausoleum of Turbet El Bey
Mausoleum of Turbet El Bey

Description of the attraction

Tunisia has a rich architectural heritage. The famous mausoleum of Turbet al-Bey was built during the reign of the Husseinid dynasty by Pasha Ali II at the end of the 18th century. This mausoleum was built specifically for members of the Husseinid family: for the caliphs themselves, their wives, heirs and other family members.

The rulers of Tunisia lived in luxurious country palaces outside the capital, and only after death did they give their subjects the "honor" to be near them. Later, next to the rooms where the sarcophagi of the rulers stand, they began to bury especially famous ministers and the rich nobility of Tunisia of that time.

In the 18th century, Italian culture began to actively penetrate Tunisia, therefore, some elements of the Renaissance are present in the Husseinid mausoleum: the halls of the Mausoleum are decorated with knocking (artificial marble) and skillfully made tiles.

The mausoleum of Turbet el-Bey was built with spacious rooms with high vaulted ceilings. The tombs of the mausoleum, including the sarcophagi themselves, are decorated with fine and graceful carvings of a rare technique. The sarcophagi of the caliphs and their wives are in separate rooms. Above each male burial is a stylized turban, as a symbol of power and belonging to the Muslim faith.

