Description of the attraction
The Khanka nature reserve is located in the middle part of the West Primorsky plain on the territory of the Chernigov, Khanka, Kirov, Khorolsky and Spassky districts of the Primorsky Territory. The reserve was established in December 1990 to protect the areas of numerous migration, nesting and wintering of birds.
The total area of the reserve is about 39,300 hectares. This includes the water area and coast of the large freshwater lake Khanka, surrounded by vast grassy bogs. Lake Khanka is a place of mass gathering of waterfowl and the habitat of many endangered species of plants and animals.
The Khanka lowlands are rich in meadow, marsh and forest vegetation, the main of which are grass bogs and meadows. The coast of the freshwater lake Khanka is covered with numerous thickets of sedges, reeds and herb meadows. Forest vegetation is fragmented. It is mainly observed on the Luzanovaya Sopka. This forest area is home to Mongolian oak, aspen, elm, ash, velvet and linden.
The fauna of the Khanka nature reserve is very diverse. It is home to 44 species of mammals, more than 300 species of birds, a large number of amphibians, reptiles and fish. The most common rodent species are the gray rat, field mouse, Far Eastern vole, muskrat, Daurian hamster, great shrew and Amur hedgehog. The tall grass meadows are inhabited by a large number of roe deer. Also in these places are the paths of the transitions of the Himalayan and brown bears. In addition, on the territory of the reserve you can find animals listed in the Red Book of Russia, namely the Amur tiger and red wolf, the Far Eastern leatherback turtle.
The Khanka nature reserve is an active place for nesting and seasonal migration of a huge number of birds - river ducks, geese and swans.