Description of the attraction
Despite the fact that the New and Old Bar are inextricably linked, they are located several kilometers from each other. Old Bar is an ancient fortress on an elevated plateau, 4 kilometers from the coastline. A total of 240 different buildings were built in the Old Bar.
The Clock Tower in Old Bar was built in 1753. The clocks are located on all four sides of the tower. The creator of the tower is called Yahya Ibrahim Osman Aga, a resident of the upper part of the city, in which at that time only rich and respected people lived.
From the height of the clock tower, you can see not only New Bar, but also part of the sea coast.
It is known that Bar, since 1507, was under the yoke of the Ottoman Empire, that is, for more than three hundred years. The Turks not only established their dictatorship on Montenegrin land, but tried to force the inhabitants to change their religious views. For this, mosques were actively built.
The structure has repeatedly been subjected to destructive actions both from people and from the side of the natural elements. The maximum damage was done during the liberation of Bar from the Turks in 1877. In addition, the old Turkish building suffered three serious earthquakes: 1905, 1968 and 1979.
The tower underwent a complete renovation in 1984. At the same time, the tower clock was repaired, which today is illuminated in the dark.