Guiengola settlement description and photos - Mexico: Tehuantepec

Guiengola settlement description and photos - Mexico: Tehuantepec
Guiengola settlement description and photos - Mexico: Tehuantepec
Guyengola settlement
Guyengola settlement

Description of the attraction

Guyengola is a settlement of Indian Mexicans who lived in the territory of the present state of Oaxaca. The ruins rise between the hill of the same name and the river. The name of the ancient city from the Zapotec dialect is translated as "big stone".

Guyengola was built in the post-classical period (1350 - 1521) and was a fortress that defended against the Aztecs, who never managed to capture it. When the Spaniards invaded the city and evicted the Zapotecs, the conquerors never settled it, the city died out and turned into ruins.

Here were found walls of various structures, fragments of residential buildings and fields for playing ball, tombs and the largest "palace" with the remains of artificially created reservoirs and outbuildings.

The largest tomb is located in the palace, in the administrative center of the Zapotec fortress. Her chamber is over 9 meters long and slightly less than 2 meters wide. There are two chambers on the sides of the central aisle, which is 1 meter wide.

To date, two more large tombs have been excavated, which are most likely the places of family burials. In two tombs there are front chambers, which were built for idols, and rear chambers for the burials themselves. But there are other smaller tombs, they were found among the walls of the fortifications, the remains of residential buildings. In the center of the settlement there were once two pyramids - in the east and west, and two squares, one below the other, located one above the other.

