Palmela description and photos - Portugal: Lisbon Riviera

Palmela description and photos - Portugal: Lisbon Riviera
Palmela description and photos - Portugal: Lisbon Riviera

Description of the attraction

Palmela is a city located in the municipality of the same name, 25 kilometers south of the city of Lisbon. The population of the city is small, most of the inhabitants have moved to Lisbon. There is an assumption that the name of the city comes from the surname of the Roman statesman Cornelius Palma Frontonian, who is considered the founder of the city.

One of the city's attractions is the Palmela fortress, which is located on a hill and was founded by the Romans. The fortress offers a stunning view of the Setubal Peninsula. Lisbon and the Atlantic coast are visible. During the past centuries, the Palmela Fortress has been a strategic location. The Roman fortress survived the conquest of Muslims, Visigoths, Christians, and therefore today you can see unique artifacts of the cultures of these peoples there.

Palmela is home to the factories of such international industrial giants as Volkswagen and Coca-Cola. An interesting fact is that on the local radio in this amazing town you can hear programs in the Ukrainian language.

The city is famous for its wine production, which has received many international awards at wine festivals. Palmela also hosts wine festivals, the most famous of which are the Grape Harvest Festival and the Cheese, Bread and Wine Festival. The grape harvest festival lasts for several days, during which the city hosts celebrations in honor of those who grow and cultivate grapes. It is worth noting that in 2012 Palmela was named the European City of Wine.

The famous Portuguese sailor, traveler and explorer of Africa Ermenejildo de Capella was born here.

