Description of the attraction
Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress, or the Tower of London, is a historic castle on the north bank of the Thames in central London.
William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, was victorious at the Battle of Hastings on October 14, 1066, but the Saxons defending London surrendered the city only in December of that year. From 1066 to 1087, William the Conqueror founded 36 castles and fortresses, which served as military fortifications, centers of the new administration, and living quarters.
London fortress
At that time London was the largest city in England, and Westminster Abbey and Westminster Palace, founded under Edward the Confessor, made London the administrative center. In addition, London has always been one of the main ports. With all this in mind, it becomes clear that taking control of London was Wilhelm's top priority. Two other London castles - Baynard and Monfichet - were founded at the same time. A third fortress - the one that would later become the Tower of London - was built near the river, on the remains of the Roman defensive walls. The castle was originally surrounded by a moat and a wooden palisade and most likely served as Wilhelm's residence.
The Tower is one of the first Norman castles built in stone. The first was the White Tower, which gave the name to the entire fortress (“tower”). The dimensions of the Tower at the base are 36 x 32 meters, and the height is 27 meters. It is one of the largest citadels in the world and the most perfect palace of the 11th century. The entrance to the tower is located at the level of the second floor; a wooden staircase led to it, which can be quickly removed in case of an enemy attack. The first floor is reserved for warehouses, the tower has a well, a chapel, and, since the Tower was also intended for living, four fireplaces heat the inner halls.
Under Richard the Lionheart, the construction of the outer row of the fortress walls begins. This wall was rebuilt and strengthened later, and four more were added to the nine original towers. The third row of walls appeared under Edward I.
Prison, treasures, ghosts …
The Tower contained prisoners of noble birth and dignity, and its walls could tell many dark and terrible stories. The last time prisoners were held in the Tower during the Second World War.
As the main citadel of the country, the Tower served and still serves as a place for keeping royal regalia and jewelry. The treasury is open to the public, and tourists can see with their own eyes the largest cut diamond - the Cullinan, which crowns the royal scepter. The mint was also located here for a long time.
Until 1835, the Tower housed a royal menagerie that attracted many visitors; then the animals were transferred to the London Zoo.
And of course, a castle with such a history cannot but be inhabited by ghosts. Most often they see Anne Boleyn, carrying her head under her arm, less often they meet Henry VI, Margaret Pole and Lady Jane Gray - the "queen for nine days."
Beefeaters and royal crows
The ceremonial guard of the Tower - "yeomen-guards" or "beefeaters" - are themselves a landmark of London and its calling card. They trace their history back to 1485, but now their duties are mainly in bearing the guard of honor and conducting tours of the Tower. In 1997, the first woman donned the famous red uniform with a white collar.
"Beefeater" translates as "beef eater", but the guards themselves joke that the real "beef eaters" are the ravens living in the Tower. Their diet includes raw meat. Legend has it that if the ravens leave the Tower, the fortress and kingdom will fall. Feathers on one wing are trimmed to prevent birds from flying away. Ravens are listed in the service of Her Majesty, each has a personal card, and the bird can be dismissed from service - for example, "for inappropriate behavior."
On a note
- Location: Tower Hill, London.
- Nearest tube station: "Tower Hill"
- Official website:
- Opening hours: daily from March to October from 9.00 to 17.30, Sunday and Monday from 10.00 to 17.30; from November to February from 9.00 to 16.30, Sunday and Monday from 10.00 to 16.30.
- Tickets: adult - £ 25, children from 5 to 15 years old - £ 12, students, disabled, visitors over 60 - £ 19.50, family (1 adult + 3 children 5-15 years old) - £ 45, family (2 adults + 3 children 5-15 years old) - £ 60