New Jerusalem monastery description and photos - Russia - Moscow region: Istra

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New Jerusalem monastery description and photos - Russia - Moscow region: Istra
New Jerusalem monastery description and photos - Russia - Moscow region: Istra

Video: New Jerusalem monastery description and photos - Russia - Moscow region: Istra

Video: New Jerusalem monastery description and photos - Russia - Moscow region: Istra
Video: New Jerusalem Monastery, Istra city, Moscow region, Russia. 2024, June
New Jerusalem monastery
New Jerusalem monastery

Description of the attraction

The New Jerusalem Resurrection Monastery in the city of Istra is the pearl of the Moscow region. The monastery was founded Patriarch Nikon … It houses a unique, recently restored 17th century temple, striking the imagination with its unusual architecture. The largest historical and art museum of the Moscow region is also located here.

Patriarch Nikon

Patriarch Nikon is the most famous and controversial church figure of the 17th century. He was born into a family of wealthy peasants. From childhood, the boy had good abilities, learned to read, sing, and fell in love with the church service. When he became a priest, he received a good parish in Moscow. At first, he was an ordinary married priest, but his personal life did not work out. We do not know the details, but a tragedy happened - all his children died. Then he and his wife decided to go to a monastery. Soon Nikon began to make a career - he was chosen abbot of the Kozheozersky monastery near Arkhangelsk. And when he went to Moscow to introduce himself to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, he liked him so much that the tsar persuaded him to stay in Moscow. Friendship ensued. Soon Nikon enters the circle of the tsar's entourage, who have a huge influence on him and think about a great thing - church reforms.

Since 1652 Nikon becomes patriarch … He considers his main business to be the correction of liturgical books. Most of the tests were translated from Greek a very long time ago; many errors have accumulated in them over the years of rewriting. Nikon and his circle propose to check the texts with modern Greek and correct mistakes. But if it is still somehow possible to accept, then his innovation - the sign of the cross with three fingers, and not two - the people cannot accept. The patriarch prefers to act by force. In 1656 he assembled a cathedral of bishops. They declare heretics all who continue to cross themselves with two fingers, not three, and do not want to use the corrected books. Begins church schism.

New Jerusalem monastery


In the same year Nikon started a grandiose construction near Moscow. He wants to create new center of all Orthodoxy, New Jerusalem. The monastery was supposed to stand on a high hill (it was specially filled up and strengthened). The area was renamed. The main hill was now called Zion, mountains appeared next to him Olives and Favorskaya, Istra was renamed to Jordan … They tried to build the main cathedral of the monastery on the model of the main temple of Jerusalem - Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

At first, all structures were made of wood. But even the wooden construction of such a large complex demanded a tremendous effort from the monastery peasants. They complained of backbreaking work and isolation from their families.

In 1658 the monastery was consecrated. Alexey Mikhailovich looks at her from the Mount of Olives and confirms - yes, this is New Jerusalem.

But a year later, relations between Nikon and the tsar deteriorate. Nikon is too power-hungry and seeks to put the church in the first place in the state, to make the patriarch's power more sovereign. Intrigues are being woven against him, and the king himself is already dissatisfied with such an elevation of an old friend. A quarrel ensues, and the patriarch demonstratively leaves Moscow for the New Jerusalem Monastery.

Resurrection Cathedral


Here he continues to engage in construction. In 1658 it is laid Resurrection Cathedral - and for the rest of his life Nikon monitors its construction. This is his favorite brainchild. The cathedral consists of many churches - at first it was assumed that there would be 365 thrones. As a result, there were 29 of them (now - 14). The bell tower has seven tiers, and the main bell weighs almost six tons.

But under Nikon the cathedral was not completed. The conflict with the king and the clergy continues to develop. Nikon is on trial (in particular, he is accused of calling the built monasteries by too loud and inappropriate names). Nikon is deprived not only of the patriarchate, but also of the priesthood and exiled to Ferapontov monastery … Only after the death of Alexei Mikhailovich is Nikon allowed to return here, but he is already old, sick and dying along the way. He is still sung as a patriarch and buried in the same manner in the unfinished Resurrection Cathedral.

The Resurrection Cathedral was completed in 1685. It turned out to be simpler than Nikon intended it. But still grandiose. His 18-meter tent was a tremendous technical achievement for that time, something like that had never been built in Russia. This tent stood for exactly 38 years. In 1723 the cathedral collapsed. For several years it has remained in ruins. The rubble begins to be dismantled only after seven years and they are dismantled for two whole years.

Finally, the restoration of the cathedral begins. This is entrusted to an architect I. Michurin - at the same time he is building the famous church on Andreevsky Descent in Kiev. Restoring a tent requires technical work and a lot of money. Funds are allocated by the Empress Elizaveta Petrovnawho visited this monastery in 1749. The new archimandrite of the monastery - Ambrose, the future Moscow metropolitan. He is close to the capital's circles and is very interested in the fact that the cathedral is still restored.

Finally, in 1759, the unique rotunda tent is being restored and remains intact until 1941, when it was blown up by the Germans. After this tragedy, nothing remains either from the tent or from the richest interior decoration of the cathedral.

In Soviet times


After the revolution, the monastery was closed and turned into Museum … This is one of the largest art museums: here you can find church values, a collection of secular paintings, and excavation materials. It works until 1941. Then the main cathedral and many other buildings were destroyed. Museum collections have suffered greatly.

After the war, the leading Soviet restorers - A. Shchusev, P. Baranovsky and others are starting to design the restoration. The question arises as to how to restore the tent of the Resurrection Cathedral - in its original form or in the way it became in the 18th century? But the rest of the monastery buildings are being restored rather quickly, and already in 1959 the museum reopens.

The restoration of the cathedral itself continued for many years. Projects, architects and builders changed, it was interrupted several times due to lack of funding. The date of completion of the restoration can be considered 2016. The very appearance of the cathedral in the 18th century version and the huge bell tower have been completely restored.

The monastery was officially transferred to the Church in 1993.

What to see


The cloister is surrounded powerful walls with eight towers … The walls are three meters thick. The names of the towers again bring us back to biblical geography: they are called the same as the gates of ancient Jerusalem were once called. Gethsemane, Damascus, Zion, etc. You can climb the walls and walk along them around the monastery.

Examining the main temple - the Resurrection - do not forget about the attached underground church of Constantine and Helena … Once it towered above the ground by only one and a half meters. Now, to drain the groundwater, the church is surrounded by a moat - and it can be seen that it goes six meters into the ground. Groundwater is really very close - one of the three holy springs of the monastery is located in the church.

In addition to churches, the monastery has a unique example of 17th century civil architecture: chambers of Princess Tatiana Mikhailovna … Tsar Alexei's sister loved and revered Nikon very much, she often came here on a pilgrimage - and a small stone palace was built especially for her.

The monastery has its own garden - of course, Gethsemane … It contains another source - Zion font … A little further away - Nikon's skete, his personal hideout. There is an elegant baroque building of the 17th century: living rooms on the first floor, and a house church on the second. Not far from the skete is the third monastery source, Samaritan woman's well.

In the vicinity of the monastery in the Soviet years were brought monuments of wooden architecture … There is a windmill, a peasant house from the first half of the 19th century and a chapel.



The monastery museum has existed since 1874. At first, they were kept here church values from the sacristy, but after the revolution they also begin to bring here things from the surrounding estates … During the war, part of the collection was saved: something was buried, something was taken to evacuation, but a lot was damaged.

The museum was reopened in 1959 year … Now it is the largest museum in the Moscow region, it contains more than one hundred thousand exhibits. In 2014, a new building was built for him, no longer in the monastery itself, but quite nearby, on the other side of Istra. This is a three-story exhibition complex.

The main exhibition tells about history of the monastery … Here is a rich collection of church utensils, embroidered vestments, icons, items from archaeological excavations, household items of the 17th-19th centuries. In the "special pantry" treasures are kept: gold and silver crockery, gold embroidery, icon frames and book bindings decorated with precious stones. A separate multimedia exposition is devoted to the history and archeology of the Moscow region.

In addition, the museum hosts unique exhibitions of classical art, in scale and attendance comparable to those in the capital. It hosted exhibitions of Albrecht Durer, Pablo Picasso, Boris Kustodiev and other famous artists. So, before visiting, it is worth checking on the museum's website which exhibition is currently taking place there - they are always interesting.

Interesting Facts

In total, about ten billion rubles were spent on the restoration of the monastery.

The monastery contains a unique relic - a wooden prefabricated model of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, which belonged to Patriarch Nikon.

On a note

Location: Moscow region, Istra, Novo-Jerusalem embankment, 1 (museum), Istra, st. Soviet, 2 (monastery).

How to get there: by train in the Riga direction to the station "Istra" and then by bus to the station. "Monastery". From the train. station "Novoierusalimskaya" can be reached on foot, the road takes about 20 minutes.

The official website of the monastery:

The official website of the museum:

Museum opening hours. 10: 00-18: 00, Monday closed.

Price. The main exposition of the museum: 300 rubles. - adult, 250 - reduced price. "Special pantry" and exhibitions are paid separately. The entrance to the monastery is free.

Description added:

Elena 10.11.2019

In 1658 the monastery was consecrated. Alexey Mikhailovich looks at her from the Mount of Olives and confirms - yes, this is New Jerusalem. - the first temple was consecrated in 1657. and then Alexei Mikhailovich recognized the vicinity of the monastery as similar to Jerusalem and gave the name of the monastery: "The Resurrection Monastery of the New

Show full text> In 1658, the monastery was consecrated. Alexey Mikhailovich looks at her from the Mount of Olives and confirms - yes, this is New Jerusalem. - the first temple was consecrated in 1657. and then Aleksey Mikhailovich recognized the vicinity of the monastery as similar to Jerusalem and gave the name of the monastery: "The Resurrection Monastery of New Jerusalem."

In 1682, the Ecumenical Patriarchs restored His Holiness Nikon to the rank of patriarchal.

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