Description of the attraction
The Pshadskie waterfalls are located on the Krasnaya Rechka (the right part of the Pshada River), in that section of its valley, which foresters and hunters call Bazy.
The river originates on the eastern slopes of Mount Papai and flows southeast between the Church Range and the massif of Mount Pshada. The waterfalls are located above sea level at an altitude of 240 to 270 m. In total, there are 13 waterfalls in this area, 8 of which are on the Krasnaya River, and the rest are at the mouth of its two right tributaries and in the channel of its left tributary. All waterfalls are located at a short distance from each other.
Olyapkin is the lowest and largest downstream waterfall of this group. The maximum height of its waterfall ledge is 9 m, although the height of the waterfall jet may be somewhat less, since the bottom of the river is sloped to the left bank and the height of the ledge is less here. The second highest and the most upstream waterfall is located at the mouth of the Vodopadny Brook (the right tributary of the Red River). The plumb line of this waterfall is 7 m. The height of the remaining waterfalls ranges from 0.9 to 4.5 m.
Above the mouth of the Kochkara, the Gorlyanov stream flows into which there are more than ten waterfalls from 4 to 10 m high. In turn, the upper reaches of the Tkhab river are famous as the "gorge of 40 waterfalls", most of them are impassable. There are waterfalls up to 15-17 m high.
On the right tributary of the Pshada River - the Black River - the Papay Falls are especially famous. The distance from the village of Black aul and other waterfalls is 2-3 km. At the beginning, you can find insignificant rapids and rapids, but then waterfalls appear, the height of which reaches 3 m, and slightly higher - up to 8 m. The falls are surrounded by rocks up to 25 m high. Literally 10 m later there is another ledge with a fall of the water jet up to 7 m. Above you can see several waterfalls, each of which has a height of 4-6 m.
At the confluence of the Melnichny stream into Pshada, not far from the Alpinistsky tourist shelter, there is a 7-meter waterfall with a gorgeous pool.
The capacity of the Pshad waterfalls is completely dependent on the state of forest vegetation on the slopes of the valley and the amount of precipitation.
| All reviews 5 Denis 2016-17-03 11:19:05
Pshad waterfalls are the most beautiful waterfalls in Gelendzhik region. The site gelendzhik-travel.ru has an Excursion to the Pshad waterfalls, as well as many other excursions of Gelendzhik.