Description of the attraction
The Park of Dancing Bears is a unique phenomenon not only for Bulgaria, this place is one of a kind. It is located in the south of the Rila Mountains, 20 kilometers from the town of Bansko, near the town of Belitsa. This park can be called a center for the rehabilitation of bears, which were bought from the gypsies. Brown bears are protected by law in the country. Since 1998, the so-called "bear dances" have been banned in Bulgaria, but the liberation of bears from "gypsy slavery" continued for several years after the ban was established. It is believed that today there are no bears left in captivity by the gypsies in the country.
A park of dancing bears was created at the initiative of the Brigitte Bordeaux and Four Paws charitable foundations, opened in 2000 on November 17. The territory of the park covers about 12 hectares. Its position above sea level is about 1200-1300 meters, which, according to experts, creates the most favorable conditions for the life of brown bears. The relief of the park is diverse: dense forest thickets adjoin hills, glades, lakes and swimming pools. Special dens have been set up for the bears, and a veterinarian visits the animals from time to time.
The territory of the park is divided into several sectors, there are seven in total. Bears are to be kept in pairs, one by one. Many of the inhabitants of the park have a difficult character, one of the most famous inhabitants of these places - the bear Gosho, the largest and most aggressive, does not allow any of his fellow tribesmen to approach him. Now the park contains 24 bears.
Half a hectare is reserved for people - these are narrow alleys, utility rooms, playgrounds for children's leisure, an information center where you can see photographs of the inhabitants of the park, information about each of them, musical instruments and chains.
The entrance to the famous Park of Dancing Bears is free, but everyone can leave money that will go to the maintenance of the inhabitants of this unique park.