Description of the attraction
The estate of St. Nicholas in Pistyn is the "official residence" of the patron saint of all children, one of the most respected and beloved saints in Ukraine, whose holiday is celebrated on December 19, on the eve of the New Year.
The project "Tourist and Artistic Complex" Museum-Estate of St. Nicholas was developed in 2002 by the National Natural Park "Hutsulshchyna". The aim of this project was the formation of high aesthetic and moral qualities in children and youth, as the basis of a healthy personality, the manifestation of goodness, justice, mercy, fostering love for national culture, as well as the desire to preserve the cultural and historical heritage.
The first house of the "Estate of St. Nicholas" complex on the territory of the NPP "Hutsulshchyna" was hospitably opened on December 19, 2006. The wooden house, made in the original Hutsul style, is equipped with an office and a room for St. Nicholas, in which he and his assistants work seven days a week … And on December 19, on a horse-drawn sleigh, he leaves the Estate in order to deliver gifts to children.
In the estate of St. Nicholas there is also a master class for children's toys, a room-museum of New Year's and Christmas toys. The entire room is decorated with colorful lanterns, holiday cards and many Christmas tree decorations.
Having visited the Museum-Estate of St. Nicholas in Pistyn, you can see how people from ancient times congratulated each other on the holiday of St. Nicholas and Merry Christmas. A whole shelf here is occupied by toy Santa Clauses and Santa Clauses, which were made in different countries of the world. A chandelier decorated with glass figures of guardian angels glows under the very ceiling. There is also a room-museum of nature, which tells about the plants and animals of the Carpathians.
A variety of seminars on education and upbringing of young people are held on the basis of the "Estate of St. Nicholas". Summer health camps for children are organized here every year.