Arsenal (Zeughaus) description and photos - Germany: Ulm

Arsenal (Zeughaus) description and photos - Germany: Ulm
Arsenal (Zeughaus) description and photos - Germany: Ulm

Description of the attraction

The history of the Ulm Arsenal (Zeichhaus) began in the 14th century, the first documentary mentions date back to 1433. As the name implies, the inhabitants of the Free Imperial City of Ulm used this building as a weapons depot. For several centuries, guns, cannonballs, bombs and much more were stored there. From time to time, the Arsenal was used not for its intended purpose, but as an imperial mint or a warehouse for parts of important urban structures, for example, bridges and water pipes. In the square in front of the Arsenal, the inhabitants of Ulm also held various important meetings.

The original building of the Ulm Arsenal was significantly expanded several times due to new buildings. The building that has survived to this day, the so-called New Arsenal, was built in 1667. It is decorated with faceted stone window frames and baroque door decorations.

At the end of the 18th century, the contents of the Arsenal were seized by the Austrians under the pretext of protecting against the advancing French troops. Since then, no one has seen the valuables worth two million guilders. With the end of the era of the free imperial city in 1808, the Arsenal was turned into a soldier's barracks and remained in this capacity until 1919. During World War II, the building of the Old Arsenal was completely destroyed. The rest of the complex was restored to its original form in 1977. But even today they fully demonstrate the economic achievements of medieval Ulm.

