State Museum of the History of the Gulag description and photos - Russia - Moscow: Moscow

State Museum of the History of the Gulag description and photos - Russia - Moscow: Moscow
State Museum of the History of the Gulag description and photos - Russia - Moscow: Moscow
State Museum of the History of the Gulag
State Museum of the History of the Gulag

Description of the attraction

State Museum of the History of the Gulag - was founded by A. V. Antonov-Ovseenko in 2001. The founder of the museum is a historian, public figure, publicist who passed through the Stalinist camps.

The collection of the museum contains many archival documents, letters, memoirs of former prisoners of the GULAG camps. It contains a collection of personal belongings belonging to prisoners and related to their detention. The museum houses a collection of works of art created by contemporary artists and painters who have passed through the Gulag camps. They offer visitors their vision, understanding of the topic of Stalinist repressions.

The exposition of the museum fully reflects the history of the emergence of the repressive machine, the development of the system of forced labor camps and the collapse of the repressive system. The exposition presents a large period of the country's history from 1930 to 1950. The materials presented in the halls of the museum tell about the fate of people who were imprisoned, who became victims of repressions.

Reconstructions that recreate real details of camp life have become an important section of the exposition. These are fragments of the premises of the barracks for prisoners, the office of the operative, the punishment cell and the watchtower, which stood in the camp courtyard.

The museum organizes thematic exhibitions, as well as traveling exhibitions from the huge funds of the museum. The Museum cooperates in its exhibition activities with many other organizations: archives, other museums, Collectors, artists and photography masters. The museum regularly hosts meetings and meetings dedicated to research into the history of the emergence and functioning of the GULAG. The problems connected with the comprehension of this stage of the country's history are discussed.

The halls of the museum host performances, creative evenings, and concerts. Within the framework of the directions of contemporary art, art events and performances are held.

