Description of the attraction
The family estate of the mother of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - the village of Mikhailovskoye - is located in the Pskov province. The estate was established in the 18th century by the poet's grandfather, O. A. Hannibal. Throughout his mature life - from 1817 to 1836. - the poet's life was associated with Mikhailovsky. In Mikhailovsky, about 100 of his works were created, many poems were born here, a large number of poems were written.
The Pushkin house is located on the edge of a steep hill. Currently, the house houses a museum, its exposition is devoted to the life and creative activities of the great Russian poet.
A tour of the museum begins in the hallway. The history of the estate is presented in the exhibition hall. Here you can see a plan of the Hannibals' possessions in 1786, a lithograph of the village of Mikhailovsky in 1837, autographs and photographs of the poet (in copies).
From the front door to the left leads to the nanny's room, to the right - to Pushkin's study. In the nanny's room, under the guidance of Arina Rodionovna, the courtyard girls were engaged in needlework. The room contains antique furniture from Pushkin's time. A bench runs along the wall, on which ancient spinning wheels with a tow and spindles are installed in a row. The most significant exhibits are embroideries made by courtyard girls.
Next to the nanny's room is the parents' room. The exposition located in this room tells about the poet's being in exile: about the visits of friends, about the circle of his reading and correspondence, about the work on "Boris Godunov", "Gypsies" and other materials.
The exposition presents portraits of the parents, brother and sister of A. S. Pushkin. There are also portraits of his friends. There are also portraits of the poet himself (copies). Of particular interest is a rare miniature, placed in a showcase, depicting Alexander Sergeevich's mother, performed by an unknown author on an ivory plate.
The living room, otherwise the saltse, is adjacent to the parents' room. The furnishings of that time have been restored in the living room. On the walls there are sconces, between which there are portraits of the poet's ancestors and relatives. There is a tiled fireplace in the corner.
Behind the living room there is a large room that served as a dining room in the poet's family estate. In this room hangs a copy of the portrait of Pushkin, which was painted by the artist O. A. Kiprensky, as well as the work of an unknown artist of the early 19th century "Pushkin on a wooded hill". The literary exposition tells about his works on the poem "Count Nulin" and other works. The topic "Pushkin and the Decembrists" is also highlighted here. A significant piece of coniferous wood is installed on a wooden pedestal. He - from one of the pines, praised by Pushkin in the poem "I Visited Again". In a nearby showcase are billiard balls from Pushkin's billiards, a billiard cue, tableware, as well as a coffee cup and saucer that belonged to the poet's father, and a small samovar from Mikhailovsky.
In the office of A. S. Pushkin reproduced the situation that existed here during the life of the creator during the Mikhailovsky exile. The recollections of fellow tribesmen, various documents of Pushkin's time and the poet's correspondence helped to recreate the situation. There are memorial items associated with the memory of A. S. Pushkin: a writing desk made of mahogany, a bookcase for the poet's son, an armchair from Tver friends, a footstool by A. P. Kern, a silver candlestick with a cap and tongs, an inkwell from the Goncharovs estate, a poet's cane, a pen stand.
Not far from the manor house there is a small house for a nanny. Inside the house is divided by a corridor into two halves. On the right is the door to the sauna room, on the left - to Arina Rodionovna's light. The only genuine thing of the poet's nanny has come down to us - a wooden box, which apparently served as a piggy bank. To the right of the entrance to the museum there is a kitchen - human. The kitchen contains household items, as well as kitchen utensils from the 18th - early 20th century. XIX century: rybnitsa for jellied fish, basins in which jam, chops, various pots, ladles, a wooden shovel for bread, etc. were cooked. Next are the manager's house and office. The stone barn, built by the poet's son to store flax, is used as an exhibition pavilion.
Description added:
Dobretsov Ivan 2017-21-03
Let's visit the study of A. S. Pushkin in the Mikhailovsky Museum. When we enter A. S. Pushkin's office, we are the first to see a mahogany writing desk. For which the poet worked. On the table lies a nibbled and burnt goose feather; there is also a feather stand. There was also ink and sulfur on the table.
Show full text Let's visit the study of A. S. Pushkin in the Mikhailovsky Museum. When we enter A. S. Pushkin's office, we are the first to see a mahogany writing desk. For which the poet worked. On the table lies a nibbled and burnt goose feather; there is also a feather stand. There was also ink and a silver candlestick on the table. On the table was a paper covered with writing on which the poet was writing. Everything is a poetic mess. There is a footstool on the floor in a glass box. Beloved Anna Pavlovna Kern gave the footstool. There is an old sofa next to the fireplace. A painting by Zhukovsky hangs over the sofa. The fireplace is made of tiled tiles. There is an armchair next to the desk. Which was donated by Tver friends. There is a carpet all over the room. There is a bookshelf on the right wall. There is a wooden box on the shelf.
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