Cape Meganom description and photo - Crimea: Sudak

Cape Meganom description and photo - Crimea: Sudak
Cape Meganom description and photo - Crimea: Sudak
Cape Meganom
Cape Meganom

Description of the attraction

Many legends, stories and tales are associated with Cape Meganom. According to the stories of some, they allegedly observed ghosts on the cape, others say that unidentified objects appear in this place, others claim that since ancient times this cape has been inhabited by ghosts.

Tourists who come to Sudak are told the legend that mysterious gates are hidden on the cape, and whoever finds them will be rewarded with the opportunity to visit the kingdom of Hades. It is difficult to say whether this is true or not, but so far not a single person has seen these ghostly gates. This place, first of all, attracts tourists with tranquility, beauty of nature and tranquility, and not a desire for bright adventures.

There is an opinion that this cape is a place with a very strong energy impact. The influence on the consciousness of people here is enormous. The reasons for this are as follows: this area is uninhabited, the nature is untouched and clean, the atmosphere is unique. In the nineties, a temple of the god Shiva appeared on Meganom. This place is also preferred by supporters of yoga, they like to communicate with nature here.

A huge block of stone is located on this promontory; in it you can see a hole that goes vertically downward and is called an "elevator shaft". Anchors cemetery is located nearby.

For divers, the cape is a real find. The underwater world of these places is amazing. Having put on a mask and fins, you can find yourself in a completely fantastic, fairy-tale world.

The name of the cape in translation from Greek means "huge house". It goes very far out to sea, so it is sometimes called a peninsula, not a cape. Knowledgeable people believe that this place is the sunniest in the resort.

The main decoration of the cape and its distinctive feature is the lighthouse. The road to the lighthouse is somewhat risky: the places here are deserted, mountain paths are dangerous, and the cliffs are such that it takes your breath away. Although there is no need to walk to the lighthouse and look at it up close. Even from the shore, the view is impressive!

Description added:

Seryoga 02.24.2015

The article is complete nonsense, I lived on Meganom from 1966 to 1971, I climbed it all, there are no anomalies there, there was untouched nature, there was a spring where wild boars came to drink, there were a lot of wild pears and apples growing along the cliff from the military unit in the direction of the lighthouse there was a trench during the war, shell casings and casings were scattered

Show full text The article is complete nonsense, I lived on Meganom from 1966 to 1971, I crawled it all out, there were no anomalies, there was untouched nature, there was a spring where wild boars came to drink, there were a lot of wild pears and apples growing along the cliff from military unit in the direction of the lighthouse there was a trench during the war, shells were scattered and helmets on the lighthouse lived uncle Kolya the lighthouse, we went to him for milk, he talked about an abandoned house near the lighthouse, there was a border post with border guards who cut it all out. who did not There were rumors about Turks, saboteurs and Crimean Tatars; after the war, this place was generally deserted. None of the soldiers fell off the cliffs there, but they ran AWOL to Bogatovka for wine and to the girls.

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