Description of the attraction
Lake Iseo, located in the province of Bergamo in the Italian region of Lombardy, is notable for a large number of small picturesque villages on its shores, as well as architectural monuments and colorful agricultural buildings. Another name for the lake is Sebino. It is located between the first spurs of the Southern Alps and the fertile plain of the Po River. Mount Monte Bronzone (1334 m) rises in the west, and peaks Guglielmo (1949 m) and Punta Almana (1391 m) in the east. From these peaks, by the way, a breathtaking panorama of the "S" -shaped lake opens.
On the Bergama coast of Iseo, you can admire the most beautiful landscapes and incredibly varied landscapes: rocky walls growing out of the water, olive groves, tiny coves and bays and historical settlements. In the heart of the lake is the green island of Montisola, Europe's largest lake island, and the miniature islets of San Paolo and Loreto, which can be explored by boat or water sports. Tourists are especially pleased to get acquainted with local gastronomic traditions and taste excellent wine in one of the many restaurants in the Calepio Valley.
In the small town of Lovere in the upper part of Iseo, you can see the most interesting art gallery of the Accademia Tadini and the Basilica of Santa Maria in Valvendra. Further along the western shore of the lake, after the village of Castro, the landscape becomes especially attractive with its vertical cliffs, tunnels and roads carved right into the thickness of the mountains. Closer to Riva di Solto, the landscape softens and the vegetation suddenly becomes typically Mediterranean with beech trees, olive trees and cypress trees.
Each of the tiny villages of Iseo boasts something unusual: for example, in the Tavernola of Bergamasca, in the Church of San Pietro, beautiful frescoes of Romanino have been preserved, in Predora it is worth visiting the Church of San Giorgio, and Sarnico is famous as a recognized resort and attracts with its Art Nouveau villas. the art gallery "Gianni Bellini" and the elegant promenade. There are also interesting churches in Ezmata di Solto Collina, Credaro and Villongo. It is worth paying attention to the castles of Castelli Calepio. And in the vicinity of the village of Solto Collina there is a natural reserve "Valle del Freddo" - the Valley of Cold.